Sunday 20 December 2009


My grandmother has been kept in hospital overnight for observation. Part of this observation involved preforming a CAT scan. This must've had the Brits positively erect with excitement up until the moment they realised that Alzheimer's tends to be a problem of electrical activity in the brain will a CAT scan monitors blood flow in the brain.

The CAT scan did reveal bleeding in the brain which is consistent with a head injury. My grandmother is to be kept in hospital while this bleeding is monitored and could possibly be transferred to a specialised head trauma unit. In the meantime they have taken her off the warfarin, blood thinning medication. That can only be a good thing because the warfarin was only prescribed to treat atrial fibrillation which is a heart defect that only became an issue when the local PCT were looking for an excuse not to perform a hip replacement as they were trying to inflict the maximum amount of pain possible on my grandmother.

The fact that we are now talking about head trauma means that we have now firmly crossed into the territory of a statistically significant risk of death. Therefore I can quite openly describe the Brits as behaving like Dr Mengele without risk of sounding melodramatic.

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