Friday 18 December 2009

Thank F@%K For That.!

The COP15 Summit in Copenhagen has ended tonight with an agreement between the United States, China, India and South Africa. The agreement did not include either the European Union or Brazil. Therefore I owe an apology to Brazil for stating earlier that they were holding a press conference announcing their agreement. I did not see the press conference so I had know way of knowing they were in fact announcing their intention to be a bunch of sulky bollocks.

A more detailed analysis of the agreement will follow tomorrow when I have had time to digest it and some other important world events that have happened this week. Tonight though two things are clear; that no nation is completely happy with the agreement and the agreement does not go anywhere near far enough to solve the problem of climate change. It is though far, far more then certain people thought would ever be possible in Copenhagen so for tonight it is a clear win.

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