Wednesday 9 December 2009


Reading back over my post on the Pre-Budget Report there were a few mistakes on account of it being a bit of a rush job.

The role of the Pre-Budget Report wasn't expanded by Gordon Brown in order to draw attention to himself during his years a Chancellor. It was invented in 1997 by Gordon Brown in order to draw attention to himself during his years as Chancellor.

The 0.5% increase in National Insurance comes in April 2011 not April 2010. The fact that it comes in 16 months after the VAT increase and the reinstatement of Stamp Duty which is basically sales tax for houses slightly increases the risk of inflation but it's still a very small risk.

I said the £160,000 per year cap on Civil Service Salaries was 120% of an MP's salary. This should have read 160% more then an MP's salary.

Also I don't begrudge the £5million made available to help war veterans set up businesses even if most of it will be hoovered up by the officer class in order to set up private security firms. I only drew attention to it because it was a bit sneaky and it indicates the intentions of the people who dictated to the Chancellor what would be included in the PBR.

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