Friday 4 December 2009

I Really Cannot Be Bothered.

But I suppose I should go into more detail about this complaint about the police.

I hand delivered to the Independent Police Complaints Commission at around 14:00 yesterday. They were actually waiting for me in the lobby of the building which was a little disconcerting. I then had to get the train back to Croydon. Although I arrived at Croydon Police station at around 15:20 it took until 16:00 to hand it over because the reception was left completely empty. That wasn't for my benefit it's just the sort of general contempt the police have for members of the public and there were about four other people waiting there with me along with a couple of police officers. So if you're wondering why the police don't patrol the streets anymore it's because they're all standing in the reception of Croydon police station waiting for someone to buzz them through the secure doors.

As for the complaint itself is five pages long so I'm not going to post it all up here especially as most of it is just me going I phoned them up on such and such date but they weren't available so they promised to call me back but never did. The main part of the document was the five specific complaints themselves which are as follows;

1. As I have previously lodged a complaint against the police the officers seem to believe that in doing so I have forfeited the right to have crimes against me investigated properly.

2. The officers have been deliberately under-recording criminal acts as anti-social behaviour in order to restrict the resources available to investigate those crimes.

3. By failing to take basic investigatory steps such as taking a witness statement or checking to see if a suspect lived at a property he’d given as his home address the officers behaved in such a way as to hamper the investigation and allow a criminal to escape justice.

4. By conducting a search in the Brigstock Road / Windmill Road area and detaining a tall black man on August 14th the officers allowed the averaged height, white man to escape the scene and possibly dispose of evidence.

5. By informing the occupants of the suspect property that I had made a complaint of burglary against them the PCSO enabled the suspect in a criminal investigation to intimidate a witness in that criminal investigation.

It will be interesting to see what happens next but I'm not expecting any major developments before Christmas. Also I won't be getting that exacted about it after all it's more for the Brits benefit then mine.

In latest news Amanda Knox has just been convicted of murder in Italy. This is no great surprise but it is interesting that the Italian's have decided that a little bit of confession is good for the soul.

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