Saturday 25 February 2012

Yeah I'm Still Quite Drunk.

But at around 13:50 on 25/2/12 my home Internet connection is working so I guess I'd better explain that Afghan Koran burning thing. Last weekend (18-19/2/12) US forces in Afghanistan chose to burn copies of the Qu'ran in order to provoke violent protests. The idea was that Afghan would then successfully contain those protests showing how well prepared the country is for a US withdrawal. The forces that would be freed up by an Afghan withdrawal would then be used to intimidate Saudi Arabia over the Syria issue.

Unfortunately it went wrong and the Afghan security forces weren't able to contain the protests leaving the US looking a bit stupid. So today (25/2/12) the US killed two of their own troops in the Kabul Interior Ministry building to call attention to the issue. Also today the Saudi's set off a bomb in Yemen to question if the US intend to use the unrest in Yemen to destabilise Saudi Arabia.

This has all got a bit aggressive a bit quickly.

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