Monday 27 February 2012

That's Convienent.

Back in early 2011 permission was granted to convert the coal fired Tilbury power station in Essex, UK to run on carbon neutral biomass. The work was completed in January 2012 and a month later the power station opened. Today (27/2/12) Tilbury power station caught fire. As the fire is still burning and expected to keep burning for the next seven days or so it is fair to say that the power station will be off-line for a significant amount of time.

In this time the energy needs for the area will probably be met by the Barking Reach power station and the Damhead Creek power station. These are both gas fired power stations so increasing their output will increase their consumption on natural gas. The majority of natural gas used in the UK is imported from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), mainly Qatar. Today the Qatari Prime Minister signalled Qatar's intention to arm the Syrian insurgents which will no doubt cost a few quid.

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