Wednesday 22 February 2012

Like I Said Danny Dayem is Safe and Well.

If you're not familiar with the name will you will probably recognise the face. Throughout the Syria conflict Danny Dayem earned himself a reputation as "The Voice of Homs" after posting video blog-posts and appearing on western news channels making highly emotional pleas for western intervention to save the people of Syria. The only problem is that Dayem isn't Syrian at all. He's British and was flown into the country specifically for that purpose.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 western intelligence agencies rushed to start recruiting a large number of native Arabic speakers from Arab countries. For Britain the best place to look for these people was friendly Arab nations such as Ben Ali's Tunisia and Mubarak's Egypt along with the children of refugees from non-friendly Arab nations such as Libya, Syria and Iraq. Danny Dayem is a product of that system as were many of Libyan youth who performed a similar role building support for the NATO intervention in that nation. In recent weeks Dayem had also been trying to promote discussion about me by doing a poor impression. Things eventually got so hot for Dayem his handlers extracted him from Syria yesterday (21/2/12).

Unfortunately the presence of Dayem and his kin in Syria helped to create a dynamic where the Syrian government view journalists as enemy combatants. So today we've seen the death of Marie Colvin a British journalist and Remi Ochlik a French photo-journalist.

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