Friday 24 February 2012

This Won't Last Long.

At around 10:45 on 24/2/12 my home Internet connection is working so I don't have to go out and make a Somali Internet Cafe owner really paranoid. My home Internet connection was of course blocked all day yesterday (23/2/12). This is because due to Russia and China's veto of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution Britain is experiencing something of a traffic jam in it's colonial aspirations.

Yesterday Britain was hosting a 52 nation summit on Somalia. The objective here is to form a contact group on Somalia that will undermine the UNSC mandated mission that is already operating in the country. Admittedly progress from that mission has been slow but it always will be providing it's objective is to re-impose on the country the government that the Somalis kicked out in 1991. Since then the vast majority of that deposed government have been working in the public sector in Britain. So if you heard yesterday's news that British public sector workers are having their pay frozen for the next three years you might have got the entirely false impression that Britain intends to withdraw it's support for Somalia's government in exile.

Today sees the first meeting of the contact group on Syria. In preparation for the Syria summit the United States yesterday crashed two of it's helicopters into each other in an effort to get Britain to drop the Somalia issue in order to make diplomatic space for the Syria issue. The US also announced it's intention to use the Syria contact group to re-supply the Syrian rebels in order to prolong a conflict that has already seen close to 10,000 Syrians fed into the meat grinder. The long term objective is that the conflict will go on until the Syrian government runs out of money and collapses.

If only there was an example from the Horn of Africa, possibly beginning with the letter "S", that demonstrates what normally happens in those circumstances.

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