Tuesday 7 February 2012

It's Cold. It's Cold. So Very, Very Cold!

Well the windchill factor brings it down to around -3C which is cold for Thornton Heath. To make matters worse there were Chinese in the pub so someone broke the heating in order to make them really stand out from the lack of crowd. Anyway I returned from the pub and into the warm at around 20:10 to discover that apart from the fact my cell phone is refusing to charge there are no major problems. In fact I have good news;

Today (7/2/12) I received a letter from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) informing me that my benefits claim has been moved from Income Support to Employment and Support Allowance without a questionnaire being received or completed. Beyond the five pages of blah, blah, blah this will see my income continue indefinitely but reduced by around US$2 per week which translates as around as loss of one week's income per year. However there is no need to worry because I'm sure the shortfall will be made up through Housing Benefit paid at a rate of 2x my grandmother's nursing home costs. I understand that the proposed benefits cap might make that legally difficult but hey we've ignored so many laws to get to this point what's one more between friends.

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