Saturday 4 February 2012

That's the End of That Then.

The United Nations Security Council have just (around 17:00 on 4/2/12) voted on the resolution on Syria and it was vetoed by both Russia and China. In the end 13 of the 15 member council supported the resolution but I think it's fair say many of them only did so safe in the knowledge that their votes would be merely symbolic. It will be interesting to see if the United States will now try again or finally do the decent thing and drop the issue.

Also I've finally got my HDTV box working but I don't think that's the most important news of the day.

Edited at around 12:15 on 5/2/12 to add:

After the UNSC meeting broke up the death toll from Homs on Friday (3/2/12) fell from over 250 to 55. As a result it is difficult to decide if more people died in Syria, Libya or Egypt this week.

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