Sunday 9 August 2009

Probably Shouldn't Laugh But...

Back in May a group calling themselves the English Defence League held a demonstration in Luton against Islamic Extremism. After all of five minutes any pretence that this was a legitimate protest and those attending were anything other then simple racist thugs was dropped when the crowd went on a violent rampage vandalising shops, beating up random Asians and smashing up cars with heavily tinted windows. Yesterday, 8/8/09, the same group tried the same thing in Birmingham, UK and few people turned up to meet them. This was the result;

As is probably appropriate for a protest called by a bunch of racists yesterdays events were met with something of a media brownout so I, like many others, are left still trying to pieace together yesterday's events.* From what I have seen though I do sadly have to call into question the BBC's reporting of events; which includes a video shows a large group of protesters, some in Islamic dress, chanting "Who's streets? - Our Streets!" contrasted with a group of protesters singing the national anthem. The text of the article speaks to only one eyewitness who talks of systemic groups of (Muslim youths) turning up in cars to get involved in violence and burning the Union Flag. To me that sounds like bad journalism.

*My research may have been a little bit impaired by the fact that my grandmother slightly set fire to her kitchen. In her defence she put the fire out herself while me and my father were standing outside like Laurel & fucking Hardy going "Look at that one of our neighbours have started a BBQ and it's set off their smoke alarm, ain't they stupid!"

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