Friday 7 August 2009

I Got Mail

On Tuesday 5/8 I received a letter from the agonisingly named Croydon Integrated Psychological Therapies Service (CIPTS) which I've posted below if you're really that interested. Personally I wasn't and after giving it a quick read I put it in a drawer until today. Beneath the envelope stamped Private & Confidential the letter simply acknowledges that I've been ont he waiting list for Cognitive Analytical Therapy (CAT) for quite some time and attempts to reassure me in a rather sinister turn of phrase that I "not been forgotten." The letter is a little unusual because it doesn't actually tell me anything and if there's one thing I'm sure of it's that Croydon Council won't be forgetting me for some quite time.

The trigger for the letter appears to be that recently, in a context I'm not going to explain, I visited some of the pubs I used to drink at when I was working at Enterprise House and was observed doing so by the police which is hardly a surprise as the pubs are by a police station. The caring profession appear to have interpreted that as a form of depressive pining and sent me the let in the hope of showing me that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Either that or they've sent the letter in the hope it would provoke me into clarifying the context of the situation although that would certainly be out of character.

The letter does reveal an interesting point though that may have set a few people awobble. Eventually I will come to the top of the waiting list for CAT which incidentally a treatment that is so complicated, labour intensive and expensive that most private health insurers simply won't offer it. When that happens I will be faced with a very simple choice. I can either take part in what is a very invasive treatment that not only requires you to draw on your personal experience it also requires you and the therapist to identify your cognitive process which basically govern the way you think and how you will behave in certain circumstances. Alternatively I can refuse the treatment and risk that refusal being used as grounds to wipe me out financially. I suspect this choice is going to play a large part of the Brits next move against me but it would just be careless of me to let them know that I know how they plan to attack me now wouldn't it.

Incidentally I also found out on Tuesday that a group of British researchers have published a paper proving that autism inhibits the ability to react to non-verbal communication. I'm surprised they managed to get published because they've yet to contact me to find out how I would like to be credited for providing the hypothesis that they've merely tested. I wander if the authors can spell plagiarism or whether they'll need someone to explain that to them too.

Anyway arrogance over for today, here's that letter;


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