Monday 20 May 2013

Abu Qatada Refused Bail.

Today world renowned MI6 operative Abu Qatada has been refused bail by a UK Court while another UK Court drags out his extradition to Jordan for as long as humanly possible. So allow me to cut a very long story short;

With few options left the Syrian government is focusing its efforts on creating an Alawite state along the Mediterranean coast. The current wave of bomb attacks across Iraq are intended to promote discussion about a possible solution to the Syrian conflict that would see everything from Lebanon to Iran's borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan destroyed and replaced by an Alawite state, a Sunni state and a Shia state. The names of these three new states have yet to be decided but the UK is really pushing the idea under the argument that what we consider to be Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are actually entirely false nations created during the fall of the British Empire. Therefore it would be 'healthy' for the region to allow it to re-balance itself along ethnic/tribal lines.

The problem is that Jordan is also an entirely false nation created by the UK in return for tribal support for the second world war. Therefore the news that Abu Qatada is not going to be set free on bail is intended to be interpreted as the UK reassuring the Jordanian Monarchy that their fiefdom is not going to be allowed to re-balance itself. Personally I don't think there was any need for this reassurance because if the UK was serious about eliminating false middle-eastern nations the logical place to start would be Saudi Arabia followed by Yemen, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. You of course may remember that at the start of this 'totally genuine Syrian uprising' the UK widely and openly mocked the Syrian government spokeswoman for pointing out that Syrians and Turks used to routinely cross the border to meet up with relatives.

This neo-colonial process of starting brutal civil wars to divide nations into little bite sized chunks has become known as 'Balkanisation' after is worked so effectively in that area of Europe following the collapse of the USSR. Therefore this has huge resonance within the Eurovision Song Contest. Although I'm opposed to the concept dividing it up into small bite sized chunks is actually how I intend to eventually tackle the Eurovision Song Contest.

Seriously it's like trying to eat an elephant.

14:15 on 20/5/13.

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