Sunday 29 August 2010

Scandals in Cricket Land

Today (29/8) the British tabloid newspaper the News of the World (NOTW) has revealed that it has been able to pay a man to influence the outcome of cricket matches in the five match England V Pakistan test series that is currently being played in Britain.

This is not that much of a scandal because the entire test series has been rigged at state level to project the British view of UK/Pakistan relations to the World over the course of a summer that began with Britain's Prime Minister accusing Pakistan of "playing a double game" during a visit to India. Unfortunately half-way through the series Pakistan suffered catastrophic flooding. This caused the Pakistani cricket officials to get all weepy and engineer this whole stunt in order to shift some of the blame off themselves. Sadly in the process they also managed to give the Brits the opportunity to clear the air ahead of the winter Ashes series. On the plus side though they've tricked the NOTW into contributing another £150,000 to the Pakistan Flood Relief Fund.

I know that today I'd promised to deliver a full report into the EDL's exploits in Bradford. Unfortunately I've been a little bit busy. So busy in fact that I was unable to watch the Belgian Grand Prix which is a shame because it was meant to be a good race. However if the FIA need to rely on the weather to provide a good race then it's time to bring back in race re-fueling.

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