Sunday 8 August 2010

Bye Bye Braincells.

Remember that TV aeriel guy, Les, who I said was an alright guy even if he did run his business out of the back of his black Vauxhall Zafira? Well it turns out he's little more then a con-man.

After the debacle of my grandmother getting signed up to Virgin Media, Pay TV which didn't work my father got Les it to sign her up to FreeSat which is a free to air satellite TV service. The software on the very cheap system he installed is so useless I can't make sense of it so my grandmother has no chance. Also the signal cuts out during bad weather. Rather then getting in touch to apologise and offer a full refund this Les guy has phoned up my father to give him the hard sell about how he's got to sign up to FreeSat by the end of this week.

When my father told me about this all I said was that it might be a good idea to wait a week and maybe do some research. This sent my father into roughly an hour long tantrum the main gist of which was that he doesn't have the time to go around all these shops and do the research himself. In the end I had to sit him down in front of the computer and physically type the words into the search engine for him

Yes that my father, the former Information Communication Technology design engineer. I think I've got about 30 fewer IQ points now then I woke up with this morning.

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