Tuesday 10 August 2010

It's A Tough Old Life Isn't It.

Obviously Senior Judge Lush also sent copies of his order direction to the solicitor and my father. That meant I've spent most of the day trying really hard not to laugh in my father's face which is more difficult then it sounds.

It's been made a lot more difficult by the fact that today the news has emerged that two years ago Sion Jenkins was refused compensation for wrongful imprisonment after he was cleared, on second appeal, of the murder of his foster daughter Billie-Jo. Now neither I nor my grandmother know the exact details of the case. However I do know that my grandmother really, actually and viscerally hates Sion Jenkins. Therefore every time he appears on TV she gets really angry. So the only thing you need to know about that announcement is that someone was hoping that by co-inciding with my father receiving that letter from the Court it would provoke a big argument. It didn't.

If you haven't worked it out by now the reason the Brits were desperately trying to convince anyone who would listen that they would soon win this is quite simple. If they don't win this soon then they don't win at all.

Now I'm just sitting here trying to decide if I should inform the Court of Protection about this statutory nuisance matter that has been brought before Croydon Magistrates Court. I feel I should. However I worry that the more information I give them the more reasons they have to delay the process so the more complicated it becomes. I'm not worried too much though because I'm sure I come up with something.

As for Senior Judge Lush I think I should explain in Britain saying someone is a lush is another way of saying someone is a drunk. While I'm certain Judge Lush is a proper Judge I think the rule is quite obvious. If you have a number of equally qualified candidates for a job always pick the one with the comedy name.

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