Tuesday 9 February 2010

OMG, So Thick!

At some point this week NATO forces will be launching a large offensive against Taliban positions in Helmand province Afghanistan. Unusually for a military operation the British Army have exceptionally open about the operation telling everyone where they plan to attack, how they intend to carry out the attack and how they expect the enemy to respond. The fact the army are being so open about it means that the story's been all over the British news for the last three days and probably four out of the five main news stories yesterday were all about this attack.

The Croydon network got all a bit confused by this and decided that the coverage was all about me and was a signal to re-start their operations against me. As a result the usual suspects were up to their usual tricks last night slamming doors, rattling locks on their own sheds and drumming on plastic wheelie bins.

Obviously with 20,000 troops about to go into battle it would probably be best if I didn't explain what this was all about. However I think it is safe to say that it was not fully intended to be a signal to the Croydon network and the people planning the operation know exactly what they were doing. If the operation does go badly then I suppose at least the Croydon network have given everybody a good laugh.

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