Tuesday 15 December 2015

COP21 Terrorism Update #9.

In today's earlier update I explained how a fire Saturday (12/12/15) at a neurological hospital in Voronezh, south-west Russia highlighted how vulnerable, developing nations had been disenfranchised by the COP21 Summit.

As a specific example I used the Democrat Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Under the terms of the Paris agreement the constantly war-torn country which is the 7th poorest on earth is obligated not only to submit a new INDC every 5 years but also constantly maintain an inventory of its greenhouse gas (ghg) emitters and sinks.

This includes an accurate estimate of every plant in the Congo Rainforest which at 50million hectares is roughly the same size as the European nation of Spain or twice the size of the US state of Oregon.

With US Secretary of State John Kerry currently in Moscow, Russia the US has already responded to this with the announcement that all 1,087 schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District have been closed over a bomb threat which took the form of an electronic message.

With some 640,000 children - societies most vulnerable - being kept away from danger what are being termed "Plant Operators" are now taking an inventory of the roughly 182,000 hectare district to see if a bomb can be found.

We shall see how the day develops.

Although the Russians were the first they were not unique in their criticism of the agreement signed at COP21.

On Sunday (13/12/15) there came a Sunni-Muslim bombing which killed 12 Shia-Muslims at a clothing market in Parachinar in north-western Pakistan.

On Saturday December 5th (5/12/15) I described the US a still being stuck in climate change Kindergarten while much of the rest of the world were in caps and gowns collecting their diplomas.

On Friday December 11th (11/12/15) I took it one step further by suggesting that the teacher of that Kindergarten class might want to read the Hans Christian Andersen folk/fairy Tale "The Emperor's New Clothes." After all it was certainly a staple of my childhood.

Although there isn't a definitive version of a folk tale that Andersen was really only the first to write down almost all versions centre around a vain and feeble minded King or Emperor who is obsessed with nothing else other then how he looks and what he wears.

One day a couple of conmen posing as weavers/tailors visit this Emperor and tell him that they have developed this amazing new fabric which is the most beautiful the world has ever seen. However only the most sophisticated and intelligent people can actually see this new fabric.

Although this new fabric is clearly just thin air the Emperor doesn't want to admit that he's neither sophisticated nor intelligent so cannot see it. Therefore he pays the conmen a huge amount of money to make him an outfit of this spectacular new fabric.

As they too don't want to be seen as stupid or unsophisticated none the Emperor's courtesans, politicians, advisers or subjects admit that they can't see this fabulous new fabric. So the Emperor is left parading the streets in the nude until one little boy who is too young to know what it is to be unworldly and unwise suddenly shouts;

"But the Emperor Has No Clothes!"

This struck me as a rather apt metaphor for the Paris agreement with all of the negotiators being too proud to admit that there is nothing there. Clearly I'm not the only one.

Certainly since the 2012 COP17 Summit in Doha, Qatar a defining feature of climate change negotiations has been Saudi Arabia's use of Sunni-Muslim terrorism to intimidate nations into not taking action to combat climate change.

The December 16th 2014 (16/12/14) attack on a school in Peshawar north-western Pakistan in which 132 children were murdered days after the COP20 Summit still stands out as a particularly brutal case in point.

Obviously though trying to intimidate 194 different nations every year gets quite tiring after a while. Particularly when you have to deal with the albeit extremely limited diplomatic fallout.

Therefore once the US were foolish enough to table a draft agreement that would kill off action on climate change for all eternity in October 2015 Saudi Arabia's terrorism became focused on getting nations to sign up to that agreement.

Sunday's (13/12/15) bombing in Parachinar seemed to be making the point that even now global action on climate change has been stopped Saudi Arabia's terrorism isn't going to. Instead they're just going to use it to take the next thing that they want. The DRC's mineral wealth seems to be high on the shopping list.

This warning may even have been issued by someone with insider knowledge that on Monday (14/12/15) Pakistan was going to join Saudi Arabia's pan-Arab military bloc that has been codenamed "Pegasus." This puts the World's 10th (Turkey) and 12th (Egypt) largest armies at Saudi Arabia's disposal backed up with Pakistan's nuclear arsenal allowing it to invade anywhere it feels the need to fight "Terrorism."

Saudi Arabia's definition of "terrorism" appears to be anyone who is not wholly subservient to the will of the ruling al-Saud family. Shia-Muslims tend to come very high up on that list.

Early on Monday (14/12/15) morning a bus carrying 60 Gendarmes or "militarised police" crashed off a cliff in Salta Province, north-western Argentina. At least 41 officers were killed.

On November 24th (24/11/15) a terrorist bomb struck a bus carrying Gendarmes in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. Coming four days after the November 20th (20/11/15) attack on a COP21-style hotel in Bamako, Mali and 11 days after the massacres in COP21 host city Paris this was seen as a threat to the shuttle-buses that many COP21 delegates used to travel between their hotels and the summit venue.

Having picked up on the theme of reading folk/fairy tales to Kindergarten classes if work hadn't of got in the way on Saturday (12/12/15) I would have progressed to using "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" as an insult.

Again there is no definitive version but the town of Hamelin in Germany is plagued by rats. One day a piper in multicoloured - "Pied" - clothing who can play hypnotic tunes offers to get rid of all the rats if the Mayor of Hamelin pays.

Initially the Mayor agrees and the piper rounds up all the rats with his hypnotic tunes and marches them off the edge of a cliff to their deaths. However the Mayor then refuses to pay the piper his due.

The piper responds by playing another hypnotic tune this time to round up all of the town's children - again societies most vulnerable. In some versions of the story the piper returns the children when the Mayor finally agrees to pay up. In others the children simply disappear into a cave and are never seen again. In the full blood and guts version though they too are marched off the edge of the cliff to their deaths.

I thought this was a rather apt metaphor for the way that US President Barack Obama has been hypnotically leading the vulnerable, bus travelling COP21 delegates off the edge of a cliff with his death text. The Argentinians appear to agree.

At around the same time on Monday (14/12/15) - time differences and all - an supposed supporter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) broke into a Kindergarten in Paris and - it was initially reported - tried to cut the throat of the teacher.

This is obviously a reference to how Saudi Arabian backed Sunni-Muslim terrorist like ISIL have been used to attack the most vulnerable members of the COP21 community. It is also a reference to how the US has been prevented from learning its vital climate change lessons.

Later in the day though it emerged that the entire attack had been faked. The teacher had simply cut his own throat prompting the obvious question of; "Why did he lie?"

This could have been a reference to the way that French Foreign Minister and COP21 President Laurent Fabius, French President Francois Hollande and others have taken to repeating the blatant lie that the COP21 agreement is legally binding.

It could also be a reference to the way that US President Obama has taken to repeating the equally blatant lie that the agreement establishes the architecture for future action to tackle climate change.

If anything by re-affirming the principle of binary differentiation, establishing unsustainable 5-year commitment cycles and scrapping the peer review process the agreement has actually demolished the foundations that had been established.

If you've ever wondered what a New Zealander looks like when they're being deeply sarcastic re-watch the closing plenary which should have occurred before the draft was adopted.

The reason why US President Obama felt comfortable demolishing those hard built foundations is because his only priority was making sure that any agreement isn't legally binding. That way he can by-pass Congress and ratify it through executive order before once again claiming the credit for saving the world.

Although the agreement isn't legally binding the transparency provisions do require nations to submit to international inspections such as the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention or the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. This cedes national sovereignty making the agreement a treaty albeit a non-enforceable one.

In the US treaties can't be ratified by Executive Order and must instead be ratified by Congress.

So yeah, Obama even managed to f*ck that bit up.

I think the best response to COP21 though has come from the weather itself.

Over the weekend, all across the northern hemisphere increased global temperatures has meant that Spring has suddenly sprung. This despite it being literally a week away from the absolute middle of winter.

It's almost enough make you break into showtunes. Perhaps something from the 1968 film "The Producers."

18:00 on 15/12/15 (UK date).

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