Friday 4 December 2015

COP21 Terrorism Update #4.

I don't think I ever promised these would be daily.

Today the US FBI has confirmed that during the course of Wednesday's (2/12/15) attacks in San Benardino, California, US the attackers pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). In legal terms this makes them agents of ISIL.

ISIL is a group that is committed to forcing every citizen of the US and the entire world to convert to their perversion of Sunni Islam.

As a result ISIL fully fit the definition of terrorism laid out in Title 22, Chapter 38 of the US criminal code;  

"the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" 

Therefore the argument is over. The San Benardino attacks was the worst terror attack committed on US soil since the attacks September 11th 2001 (11/9/01).

In response to this US President Barack Obama is nowhere to be seen. However it is believed that he is currently meeting with gun control activists to develop a strategy to best exploit the attacks to further his political agenda.

In Obama's absence today serious questions have been posed about his handling of the attacks in the form of the media being given a tour of the home of the attackers.

This seems to be a reference to the tour that the media was given of Oscar Pistorious' jail cell on Wednesday (2/12/15). In turn that was a reference to the tour the media were given of Oscar Pistorious' house in mid-October 2015.

The reason that the owner of the rented apartment was able to grant the media this tour was because yesterday (4/12/15) the FBI had released the crime scene. 

They had done this because acting on Obama's orders they had been forced to treat the case as an act of workplace violence rather then an act or terrorism.

If the FBI had been treating the case as terrorism they would have fingerprinted and DNA tested every surface in the building in the hope of identifying co-conspirators. 

However because Obama had ordered the FBI to investigate this case as an isolated incidence of workplace violence this vital investigative step was not taken and now the media have trampled all over the scene it now cannot be taken.

There is also substantial confusion as to why the grandmother who allowed the attackers to use her home as a bomb factory has not been taken into custody.

France and Belgium have already expressed concern over Obama's attempts to destroy all evidence of the San Benardino terror attacks by announcing they are searching for two co-conspirators in the November 13th (13/11/15) Paris Massacres.

20:55 on 4/12/15 (UK date).

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