Tuesday 30 April 2013

Did You Forget the Tsarneav Brothers Were Muslims?!

Because if you did that was very careless.

You see for the aftermath of the Boston marathon bombings the UK had very carefully prepared a series of trials of homegrown Muslim terrorists. Honestly there have been such a long series of these over the last two weeks I can't actually remember each individual one. However I think there was one about a group of - idiots is the term I'm going with - who planned to blow up a Territorial Army (TA) base by driving a remote controlled car underneath the front gates (ER V Dart et al, 2013) along with another group of idiots who planned an attack "That would have been bigger than 7/7(05)" - (ER V Naseer, Khalid, Ali, 2013).

The big one from today though has been the six men who attempted to attack an English Defence League (EDL) rally on July 30th 2012 (30/6/12). They were thwarted after the EDL rally ended suspiciously early and the seven men were stopped as part of a routine police traffic check on the M1 motorway. After impounding the vehicle for not having valid insurance the police eventually discovered it to contain a stash of weapons including a large commercial firework modified to include contain nails and other shrapnel in a design not too dissimilar to the Boston marathon bombs. I believe this case is known as "ER V Uddin, Hussain, Hasseen, Kahn, Ahmed, Saud (2013)" although we never did find out what happened to that mysterious 7th man.

As the EDL terror plot occurred during what I dubbed "Terror Week" this string of homegrown Muslim terror plots is intended to make people who will be attending the G8 Summit and worry about how to avoid having their people blown up or shot question whether the UK will be keeping all their pet terrorists on the leash or whether they're just trying to lull us into a false sense of security?

Beyond that though along with the Boston marathon bombings this string of homegrown terrorism trials is supposed to convince us that we could all be murdered by Islamic extremists at any moment!!! Therefore we had better allow our governments to take away ever more of our rights and introduce ever more intrusive security measures in order to keep us all safe. Of course our governments can't be expected to do anything about the Islamic extremists in Mali, Libya or Syria because that might actually solve the problem.

As for the investigation into the Boston bombings itself it has quite reasonably moved on to Rhode Island where Tamerlan Tsarneav's wife Katherine (nee Russell) are being questioned by the FBI. Prior to marrying Tamerlan Katherine grew up as your typical all American girl before converting to Islam and deciding to wear one of those funny headscarves that really make her stand out. Unreasonably just as this questioning began an 'unamed source' told FOX News that female DNA had been discovered on some of the components from the Boston bombs. This is the Tsarneav brothers CIA handlers nudging America in the ribs and going; "See that funny looking women in the Muslim headscarf? She's to blame so be afraid!!"

So allow me to be blunt when I say; the majority of the components of the Boston bombs literally went through hundreds of people including the two women who died picking up all sorts of male and female DNA as they went. If by some miracle forensic testing has been able to positively identify the DNA as Katherine Tsarnaev's (really she reminds me of a character in "Homeland") then she did live with her husband. Therefore it is entirely possible that she may have transferred some of her DNA to either her husband (possibly as she kissed him goodbye on her way to work) or some object (like a screwdriver) in the family home which her husband then transferred onto the bomb components without her knowledge.

In other news just Rihanna made her way to Washington the UK opened the trial of Mark Bridger for the abduction and murder of April Jones. I am honestly too tired to begin to comprehend the full details of this case. However I should remind you that April Jones was the 5 year old girl who was abducted on the day that Rihanna and Chris Brown reunited in that New York nightclub toilet. Therefore what happened was that the UK instructed one of it's stable of pet paedophiles to abduct a young girl to provide a bridge of dialogue between the UK and the US over the New York nightclub toilet incident. Apart from his name Bridger was chosen because he grew near up near Croydon (where I live) before moving to Brighton (where I used to live) before moving to Machynlleth in Wales where April Jones was abducted. Therefore he could equally be a metaphor for me or a metaphor for Chris Brown.

Personally I think he's his own man and he's a c*nt. Rather then just admitting what he's done Bridger has made up some nonsense story about accidentally running over April Jones in his car and killing her. He then removed her body from the scene but because he drinks heavily he can't remember what happened next. Obviously he hopes that for repeating this nonsense his MI5 handlers will reward him with a soft time in prison - I'm thinking something to do with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) stemming from his time as a soldier.

Unfortunately the Courts decision to allow this defence has forced the prosecution to lay out a skeleton argument explaining the truth. Personally I think the bit that must be most horrific for April Jones' parents is the debate about whether after killing her Bridger simply dumped her body in the sea where it will never be found or first chopped up her body into tiny pieces in order to make sure it would never be found. I just hope that in sentencing the Judge remembers ever single moment that Bridger failed to plead guilty. An unconditional discharge seems appropriate.

For the US part they've responded with a story about a female daycare centre worker who dressed in a Burka to abduct and rape a 5 year old girl in an effort to really confuse Muslims through a discussion about the relationship between Rihanna and Melissa Forde. So I think we're back to that question for Obama.

21:40 on 30/4/13.

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