Monday 15 April 2013

The Latest Justin Bieber Controversy.

Justin Bieber is still touring Europe and is still catching a lot of cr*p on other peoples behalf. On Saturday (13/4/13) Bieber visited the Anne Frank museum in the Netherlands and wrote in the guestbook; "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber".

This is probably the least controversial thing in the world because Bieber was merely saying that he found this person to be so inspiring he would consider it an honour if they were equally inspired by his music. It also helps to bring home the point that at the time of her death in a Nazi concentration camp Frank was only as old as the majority of Justin Bieber fans - many of whom probably had never heard of Anne Frank prior to Saturday.

The Dutch authorities however are trying to spin this into the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever seen with people queueing up to call Bieber's comments arrogant, distasteful and so on. What the Dutch are actually trying to do is use this as a way to have a pop at me. That's because in the past I've frequently explained that while the appalling treatment of Jews and others at the hands of the Nazis during the holocaust is well established the specific story of Anne Frank plays fast and loose with that truth. For example large sections of her famous diary were actually ghost written after her death and it is probably best stored in the fiction section. This obviously offends certain sections of Israel along with the Dutch who are keen for the Anne Frank story to shine as a beacon to show the world and Israel in particular that they're so different from the Nazis. Therefore an element of this scandal is the Dutch trying assess my often fraught relationship with Israel although I feel I should point out I'm not the one trying to pack Israels eastern border with Syria with heavily armed jihadists.

Mainly though it is the Dutch expressing anger against me because the Rihanna operation is not turning out the way they'd dreamed. After all as a European monarchy the Dutch were hoping to be a big winner from the Rihanna operation. It's just a shame they didn't get this message out to the US prior to Chris Brown's recent Court appearance so evasive action could have been taken.

Also while I'm here I should point out there has been a development in the Florida African Land Snail story. Authorities are now warning that these immigrants from Barbados will devour anything that is green and in their path. Sounds like a fair assessment to me.

11:20 on 15/4/13.

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