Tuesday 9 April 2013

Operation Misery: Month 2, Week 1, Day 2.

Today that British metaphor for Rihanna Paris Brown has resigned from her post as Kent's Independent Youth Police and Crime Commissioner and is being investigated by the police over comments she made on Twitter. This is quite an about turn from Paris Brown's original purpose of Britain being seen to defend Rihanna. This is clearly a response to the US' efforts to falsely convince us all that Rihanna and Chris Brown have split up. These efforts included postings Rihanna herself made on Twitter/Instagram.

Now this could be the UK reacting aggressively because they were genuinely fooled and confused by the break up rumours. After all they did deploy Cara Delevinge in an effort to gather more information. However I think it is much more likely the UK faking confusion in an effort to convince the US that the break up rumours have been successful in order to give them the confidence to continue. After all if the US does continue it's the UK that's likely to receive the pay-off on June 10th (10/6/13) when Chris Brown makes his next Court appearance while Rihanna is playing a concert in Cardiff, UK. Besides as I've said before nothing will give the US' rivals more pleasure then watching them trying to plough ahead with a blown and failed operation.

An example of this is the most recent controversy surrounding Justin Beiber's upcoming concert in Norway on April 17th (17/4/13). In preparation for that concert organisers informed a 14 year wheelchair bound girl that because of her disability she would be forced to watch the concert from the disabled section at the back of the arena despite having paid the equivalent of USD300 for a front row ticket. Apart from the obvious the problem is that girl's father is Geir Lippestad the highly respected attorney who defended mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. Needless to say the concert organisers have backed down.

I've yet to have a decent look at Rihanna's performance in Los Angeles last night because nobody's reported any major issues and I suspect I'm going to have to spend a lot of time Googling the names of 'celebrity' guests. However I've noticed that the concert was immediately proceeded by the NCAA college basketball championship game in which Louisville beat Michigan 82-76. This outcome was never in doubt from the moment Louisville's Kevin Ware suffered a horrific leg break during one of the earlier rounds. However it does give me an opportunity to talk about the Rutgers scandal.

If you've not been following this involved the coach of Rutgers college basketball team Mike Rice being fired after footage emerged showing him shouting abuse at and hitting players. This obviously prompted lots of discussion about Rice's behaviour and why more senior managers at the college didn't fire Rice sooner. Mike Rice was obviously being used as a metaphor for US ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Susan Rice. Although attempts to create an illusion of an internal power-struggle has been a defining feature of the Chris Brown/Rihanna operation I think that the Rutgers story was a genuine attempt by Team Breezy to make life difficult for Susan Rice. That's because while I'm a significant part of the reason why she isn't the US Secretary of State Susan Rice hasn't been above doing me the occasional favour especially when it involves the Rihanna operation. For example she didn't need to tell me about the unsuccessful UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting to discuss report S/2013/189 on Mali.

The reason for Susan Rice's assistance and no doubt behind the scenes criticism is quite clear. As she is on the front line of US diplomatic efforts she is getting daily reminders that the answer the US gives to the question; "Is Chris Brown going to prison?" is going to be the same answer the US is going to get to any diplomatic request it makes no matter how reasonable.

16:50 on 9/4/13.

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