Tuesday 16 April 2013

It's Tuesday Night and I'm Back From the Pub.

Keeping up their end of the bargain the UK had put on lots and lots of local scary. However as I'm sure you can tell from the Wisconsin shooting/lock down incident the big, bad CIA are very keen to be claiming responsibility for my safe return.

Anyway I think whomever placed one of the Boston bombs into a 'black bag' before placing it into a trash can deep down really wanted to be caught and punished. Of course none of that might be true because it comes from an unnamed (but official) FBI source. More officially the FBI have announced that one of the bombs was a homemade explosive charge (probably black powder) surrounded by ball bearings, screws, nails assorted other metal shrapnel inside a pressure cooker. If you don't know what a pressure cooker is try Google images. According to a Fox News contributor this a common design for an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) used in Afghanistan although I have my doubts. If true this Afghan link would certainly help to sell the idea of this being an Islamic terrorist attack.

Apart from the metal shell increasing the amount of shrapnel the reason Afghan insurgents use pressure cookers is because the inbuilt mechanical countdown timer provides a perfect timer to detonate the bomb. However if I was building the Boston bomb I would have also attached a modified cellphone to the explosive charge in order to help sell the idea that the infamous man on the roof was the one who detonated the bomb. This is of course nonsense because the main advantage of using a cellphone as a remote control detonator is that you don't even have to be in the same country as the bomb.

In other news the UK is currently preparing for the funeral of Margaret Thatcher tomorrow (17/4/13). Generally I've got stuck on the fact that the funeral directors who transported Thatcher's corpse to the Houses of Parliament and will transport her on to the Royal Air Force (RAF) chapel on the Strand are the same funeral directors who buried my grandmother. To prove just how connected she was these are the same funeral directors who were involved in Princess Diana's funeral. However I don't seem to remember them making quite the same level of fuss with gun carriages and silencing the bells etc at my grandmother's funeral. So basically the UK Crown's still trying to exercise the memory of that particular dragon.

In terms of security unless MI5 get over excited no-one's going to try and blow it up and in terms of protest I can't help but think that frankly that's what Thatcher would have wanted.

19:10 on 16/4/13.

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