Tuesday 21 June 2011

I'm Doomed. I'm Doomed

So horribly doomed because it's 22:46 BST and I'm doomed. Apart from that I've been to the pub and now I'm on the Internet (22:48).

Anyway it's 22:57 and it turns out the Greek government have won their confidence vote. Either way I'm quite off because it turns out that this week the local health authority have been buzzing around my grandmother like flies. For the purpose of the rest of this post health authority means; the family doctor (GP), Monday, the health visitor (Wednesday), the radiology and phlebotomy clinics at the local hospital and all the office staff in between.

The reason for all this excitement is that the BBC have been showing TV shows like "Case Histories" and "The Shadow Line" which have had my father and I nudging each other in the ribs and saying: "I've been there" when neither of us have been talking about the exact physical location.

I think that it's a shame that all these health care professional spend all this time (23:04) watching TV rather then doing their jobs. Otherwise they might have noticed that my grandmother has started experiencing drug induced hallucinations because I would know them when I see them.

Apart from that I came back from the pub at around 19:55 and started to watch the US TV show "Justified." Apparently though episode 9 of series 2 is a little late to join the party so we quickly turned over to "Our War" on BBC3. If you didn't catch the final episode this series features gonzo footage of British troops in Afghanistan mixed with interviews of the soldiers who came home and photographs of those who didn't. In short about 90 seconds in I got so scared that I officially informed my father that my mother will be marrying that other woman on August 6th. As I finished speaking the narrator announced that the troops were on operation "Courageous Restraint."

So I went off and took more drugs. Which I think means that it's 23:12 and tomorrow means either work or the gym but never the two together. And it's [post at 23:15.

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