Monday 27 June 2011

Bye Bye to the ICC.

Today (27/6/11) the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Muammer Qaddafi, Saif al-Islam Qaddafi and Abdullah Sanussi based on the chief prosecutor's report dated May 16th 2011. If you're that interested the case will rest on the question of whether the Libyan rebels are classed a civilians who are highly protected under the laws of war or non-uniformed combatants (spies) who are barely classed as human. Obviously that rule in itself is controversial and probably needs changing but at the time of the offence that was the rule.

However it's obvious that the issuing of today's warrants has nothing whatsoever to do with the situation in Libya. Through the rebels Britain has been manipulating the conflict in an effort to use it as a metaphor for so many things in the current UK/China bilateral talks that are being held in London. So by issuing these warrants all the ICC has succeeded in doing is to further destroy it's reputation by acting as a political tool of the UK.

You may have already noticed that the UK is currently on a mission to destabilise or destroy any international institution or treaty that threatens to restrict it's murderous rampage across the globe.

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