Friday 5 March 2010

I've Just Remembered Something.

Well actually I remembered it about three hours ago but since then I've been cooking and cleaning up after my bone idle father but anyway.

The last time I had dinner with my mother which was about two, three weeks ago the long, rambling and rather loud conversation touched on the Jamie Bulger case. Specifically the rehabilitation of Jon Venebles because we couldn't remember the other guys name. So it would appear that three days after this someone in the *ahem* Probation Service looked at John Venebles and something along the lines of; He drives a car and he drinks alcohol therefore we'd better recall him to prison in case at some point in the future he commits the offence of drink driving.

Apart from my mother and I there were only five other people in the restaurant including the staff so I think that amongst other things someone is trying to play spy catcher.

On a completely unrelated note I should correct a mistake I made earlier. Whilst talking about the deal to devolve policing, justice and probation powers to Northern Ireland I stated that it would have to be approved by a public or cross community vote on March 9th. This is incorrect. It will have to be approved by a vote by the Assembly members which is normally described as a cross party vote. This is a shame because the devolution would be more likely to be approved by a public vote then a political one which is likely to be clouded by narrow political interests. Either way I still think approval for the deal should be little more then a formality.

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