Thursday 17 July 2008

Time for a quick history lesson.

Way, way, way back in last year when co-operation was still on the table I suggested to my GP that he got a TV in his waiting room.

Yesterday I went in and there was the TV chewing up electricity and spewing out something called "The life channel". This channel is apparently a private new media company that spontaneously sprang up in Belfast sometime last year with the sole purpose of generating content for TV's in GP's surgeries.

Now as with many other things the state has tried to drag it's knuckles over I can't really criticise the initial idea. The execution however is something I couldn't possibly comment on for fear of hurting someones feelings.

In other news the campaign of violence is continuing at it's usual pace. The particular highlight from yesterday's performance was the story of Mr Britton. This fellow is apparently a very evil man who abused his position as a nurse to have sex with vulnerable anorexics.

I think that story is aimed at me because I did once, to my discredit, have sex with a recovering anorexic. In my defence I would like to point out that after she pulled her knickers up and went off telling herself she would do just fine without me, it took a policeman to marry her and have sex with her many more times. I don't know how that relationship went but I think it's important we find out because it does rather go to the credibility of these forced marriages.

Today, being Thursday, has managed to bring together the twin themes of violence and the medical profession. You see following the as yet unexplained decision to cancel her hip operation my grandmother was expecting a visit from a district nurse. Demonstrating the states almost feverish desire for more violence this nurse has yet to turn up. As a result my gran was more then a bit pissed off and asked my father if he would actually consider maybe doing something about it. This rather fair request caused my dad to have a massive tantrum in front of me. Trying to help I told him what he needed to do to solve the problem and this caused him to launch into yet another tantrum where he moaned about the stress his inaction was causing him and then flatly refused to do anything to help his mother.

As all this ferocity is causing two of the states loyal servants a damn sight more pain then it's causing me I can only assume the state is justifying it's actions by telling itself that it's not violence, it's a cunning plan designed to help my father and grandmother. If that's the case I can only presume that they also think it's quite a good idea to preform brain surgery with a sledgehammer.

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