Thursday 24 July 2008

Another clear victory for British Fascism.

And on this occasion we can legitimately use the term fascism.

Today judgement has been returned on the Max Mosley Nazi Sex Orgy Case. This case began back in March when Max Mosley, son of British Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley, employed a number of prostitutes to engage Sado-Masochistic orgy. One of these prostitutes, who also happened to be married to an MI5 officer, then proceeded to arrange a five hour sex game in which women were dressed in concentration camp style uniforms and barked orders in German while beating the "Prisoners".

This incident was filmed by one of the prostitutes and that tape found it's way into the hands of Sunday newspaper The News of the World. Believing the high profile son of a close friend of Adolf Hitler engaging in a concentration camp style sex game was in the public interest the editor of that newspaper published the story.

Max Mosley, clearly being driven by some unresolved paternal issues then sued the newspaper for breaching his privacy. Today the court reached it's verdict and found in favour of Mr Mosley awarding him £60,000 in damages. While the amount of damages was record breaking more worrying is the legal precedent the case sets because in his summing the judge stated that despite being involved in illegal activity (solicitation, ABH etc)Mr Mosley had an expectation of privacy because he was engaged in that activity on private property.

This means that in future it will be more and more difficult for the British media to engage in investigative journalism of the sort that brought to light racism in the British Police (the Secret Policeman, BBC) and Islamic Extremism in UK Mosques (Undercover Mosque, Channel 4).

The over riding message of the case seems to be that if an MI5 asset enters a private residence and then proceeds to beat, abuse and sexually degrade a person the media has no business reporting those events because it may reflect badly on the activity of the state.

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