Wednesday 30 July 2008

Another day another Amy Winehouse saga.

Apparently yesterday Amy Winehouse was admitted to hospital after a collapse. Today it has been alleged the collapse was brought about because somebody had spiked her with ecstasy. Although this story in no way address the validity of state sponsored forced marriages I'm still arrogant enough to think it was a fishing trip aimed in my direction.

If that was the case I may or may not be able to provide information that could challenge that statement but to do so would represent rewarding violence and I'm just not prepared to do that. Besides we have already established the young ladies life will have to be comprehensively ruined because certain observers will need a full fifty to sixty years to work out exactly how they've ruined her life in the hope the will be able to plot a mathematical accurate bar graph on the subject.

It was nice of it to appear though because it helped to break up my busy day of waiting. The first thing I've been waiting for today is a response to my offer that I will be prepared to drop my objection to a certain situation just as soon as those responsible for the situation demonstrate that the situation is being run in accordance to the subject best interests. Failing that I will be happy if it is demonstrated that the subject have given their informed consent to the situation. As yet I have yet to receive a response but I suppose you could say the silence is speaking volumes.

The second thing I've been waiting for today is the details of my grandmother's visit to surgical team in order for her to be reassessed for surgery. Here we had more joy because we discovered the "heart problem" she was suffering from was atrial fibrillation. Despite my dad explaining this to me in terms that "The heart is like a big house with four rooms and as the blood moves between the rooms it picks up oxygen" we learnt that the problem is well within acceptable limits and surgery can go ahead without any prior treatment. Obviously that is good news but does beg the question of why the surgery was cancelled in the first place.

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