Monday 28 October 2013

Operation Misery: Month 8, Week 4, Day 2.

In the early hours of Sunday (27/10/13) Chris Brown and his bodyguard Christopher Hollosy got involved in a fight outside a Washington D.C hotel in which a member of the public had his nose broken. The two were promptly arrested, charged with felony assault and were held in the County Jail until they could appear in Court today.

As I explained at the time what normally would have happened is the Judge would have done a quick assessment of the evidence and if it was found to be insufficient immediately released the pair. However if there was sufficient evidence the pair would have been committed to trial at a later date and decision would have been made to either free them on bail or remand them in custody until that trial date. As neither of the two are residents of the state and because Chris Brown is already on probation for a similar offence and has been found to be in violation of that probation you would have expected bail to have been set extremely high or to be denied outright with Chris Brown being transported by Federal Marshals to the custody of Los Angeles County where he is on probation.

However it is clear that overnight Chris Brown's CIA handler has been applying the thumb screws to the Washington district attorneys offence because the felony assault charge was dropped in favour of a misdemeanour assault charge which considering the level of bodily injury is simply ridiculous. The Judge then not only proceeded to grant the pair unconditional bail but failed to demand a financial surety or "bail bond." So it seems to be just another simple case of; "Suck enough white c*ck and the magic will happen for you."

The outcome of this hearing was a surprise to absolutely no-one in the business. So much so that the US' great rival China even went to the trouble of putting on a little stunt overnight to explain to everyone exactly what was going to happen. This involved a car crashing in the famous Tiananmen Square before bursting into flames. That was of course reminiscent of the recent Capitol Hill shooting in which a mentally disturbed women tried driving a car first into the Capitol Building and then into the Whitehouse. The police force that dealt with that incident is of course the same police force that arrested Chris Brown. As soon as this nasty incident occurred Chinese authorities swarmed on Tiananmen Square blocking all access to the public and media, erecting screens to literally cover up the scene of the incident before performing a rapid clean up to erase any evidence of the event ever taking place.

So I seriously hope that the Americans don't think they've fooled anyone with this little charade or caused me or anyone else any level of stress of anger. After all from now on I'm going to start using "Carrie Mathison" as the codeword to refer to Chris Brown's CIA handler because they clearly need to be locked up in a psychiatric facility before the do further harm to themselves or others.

Elsewhere the Eminem track "Monster" featuring Rihanna has been released for airplay but I'll be saving that until tomorrow when I can give the *ahem* attention it deserves.

23:30 on 28/10/13.

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