Tuesday 1 October 2013

Operation Misery: Month 7, Week 4, Day 5.

In the last few hours Rihanna was scheduled to perform a second concert at the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne Australia. Unfortunately Rihanna's CIA handlers/Live Nation (the management) are still adamantly sticking to their information blackout and being the second concert in the city none of the local media outlets bothered to cover it. Therefore I'm pretty much just guessing when I say;

Rihanna took to the stage almost exactly on time not even treating the fans to the usual 15-20 minutes of suspense. Rihanna then worked through the usual set-list and costume changes. Although I think it was slightly improved Rihanna's performance was more or less the same as it was yesterday which was one of the strongest concerts of the third and final leg of the Diamonds World Tour. Unfortunately though the set-list was heavily dependent on the "Unapologetic" album meaning that the general tone of the concert was rather subdued.

The advantage of this complete lack of information about the actual concert went is that it gives me plenty of time to talk about other things. The most important of these is probably the explosion of a petrol tanker on the Mona Vale Road in northern Sydney which killed two. Although according to Google maps this is around 20km away from the Allphones Arena where Rihanna will be performing on Thursday (3/10/13) and I'm sure the flames will be out by then it does rather set the tone for Rihanna's visit. On one level it looks like the Australians being extremely disloyal to their Monarch by bringing up Sudan's recent anti-sanction protests which I promise I will get around to writing up properly at some point. After all it's exactly the type of topic that should be dealt with once you get back from the pub. On another level though it looks like the Australians are being extremely loyal to their Monarch by getting me to finally explain Sudan's recent anti-sanction protests. Also it's the type of thing that is going to unsettle the locals in Sydney which in turn is likely to unsettle Rihanna because "Killing Africans since September 2012!" is hardly likely to be the strap-line used on the official "Diamonds World Tour" DVD.

For their part the Americans have joined in with  the State Department taking the time to remind me via Twitter that during the US government shutdown that their passport offices will remain. This could be interpreted as an attempt to promote discussion about whether to UK granting me a passport would allow me to enter competitions to join Rihanna on tour. I believe River Island and currently offering a trip to Rihanna's last concert of the tour in Barbados on November 1st (1/11/13). It could also be interpreted as the US offering to grant me a passport if the UK refuses as if that would be some sort of solution. It could also be interpreted as the US trying to offer me an incentive to more fully explain Sudan's recent anti-sanction protests. Personally though I think it's just an attempt to further stress out Rihanna by bringing up the issue of whether she'll be stripped of her right to remain/work in the US if she disobeys and raising the question of why Rihanna went off to record the Unapologetic album, reunite with Chris Brown, go off on the 777 Tour, do a deal with River Island and go off on the Diamonds World Tour rather then just meeting up with me at this time last year.

On the subject of me literally moments after announcing that I'd woken up for the day I received an email purporting to be from my legal firm. Basically the long and the short of it is that the legal aid application has been accepted, the case papers are being sent out and I'll make an appointment to meet up with them prior to the November 12th (12/11/13) trial date if the case is going to proceed that far. I now obviously have to forward that email to another account, save it to disc and print it out lest it disappears like all those emails I sent to the police's Safer Neighbourhood Team about the conduct of the accusers. I apologise to the UK Conservative Party conference if that triggers a discussion about the strength of the prosecutions case.

16:05 on 1/10/13 (UK date).

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