Wednesday 30 September 2009

The Croydon Network Have Been on the March Again.

Last night at around 02:30 the usual suspect once again tried to break into my shed to steal the food we'd brought at the supermarket earlier that day. He was disturbed by the animals and ran away with no property being stolen and no damage done. As you have probably guessed by now we are not dealing with master criminals here.

Now as happened last time the British state will start claiming that we should all feel sorry for the drunk man because he was only trying to steal my food because he can't afford to buy his own. If that is the case then the three square meals he would get in prison should be reward enough.

Of course I will bring the matter up with the police later on however if they fail to resolve the matter to my satisfaction I'll just use the incident as motivation to twist the knife in further when the time comes. I believe the moral of the story is that if you are going to go to law you should do so with clean hands. If you're going to go to war you should do so with strong arms.

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