Monday 14 September 2009

CIA Try Their Hand at Comedy.

American TV networks have today been fascinated by a very funny video. The CCTV tape shows the scene from a convenience store when escaped steers from a local rodeo enter the store and start wandering the aisles. After a few minutes a couple of brave cowboys, still on their horses, come in and round up the errant cattle getting them out of the store before any serious damage is done.

The whole thing is remarkably similar to an incident that came out of Ireland earlier in the year when the US civil service were busy hazing their newly elected President. Therefore the incident seems to be a simple fishing trip born out of desperation. That desperation is understandable because the US security services are currently feeling a little stressed out. Not only have they been forced to endure the 8th anniversary of what was not their finest hour they're also wasting far too much energy trying to bring a premature Israeli/Palestinian peace process. Plus they don't seem to be as committed to resolving the British problem as perhaps they need to be.

Conversely the Brits are still in the grips of a complete nervous breakdown which is quite tedious but could lead to a slightly gory anecdote about how I busted my knee at a place called Godstone Farm although that's pretty much it. Anyway happy new year.

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