Sunday 6 January 2008

Well that was an interesting series of conversations

Firstly we got the governments explanation of why the results of my course have failed to arrive.

This was quite simply that the government have made a horrible mistake however I will have to be the one who pays for that mistake.

My Mother will also have to pay for that mistake,

My father will also have to pay for that mistake,

My grandmother will also have to pay for that mistake,

My friends will also have to pay for that mistake,

The charity I work for will also have to pay for that mistake,

The people that charity is trying to help will also have to pay for that mistake,

In fact everybody will have to pay for that mistake except obviously for the people that actually made that mistake because if they're forced to pay for their mistakes we will be in a state of anarchy and they can't have that because then there will be no-one to pay their wages.

Secondly we were giving the British governments definition of free speech which is;

"If you say something that others find offensive then you can be expected to be violently punished for that speech. If however someone says something you find deeply offensive then you must dare not speak against them because that is an act of violence."

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