Sunday 17 March 2019

Nazis: Now Available in Muslim.

On Friday March 15th (15/3/19) mass shootings occurred at two Mosques within the city of Christchurch in New Zealand.

These appear to have been motivated by a Nazi, Neo-Nazi or White Supremacist ideology.

They have prompted calls for the White, Christian community to condemn the killings.

In the same way that some in the White, Christian community demand that the entire Muslim community condemn atrocities carried out in the name of Islam.

Doing so has presented absolutely no problem for the vast majority of people. Not only are Nazis and Islamists two sides of the same coin there is actually a long history of cooperation and collusion between Nazis and Islamists.

You may remember that on August 11th 2017 (11/8/17) a small group of Nazis and Neo-Nazis held a protest in town of Charlottesville in the US state of Virginia. They held a torch-lit march around a park and beyond that not much happened.

The following day (12/8/17) city and state officials from the Democrat Party called for counter-protesters to gather in Charlottesville. Having called for this counter-protest those Democrat city & state officials singularly failed to prepare for it. As detailed in the Heaphy report into the incident.

As you would predict the Democrats incitement coupled with their failure to keep order led to violence. During which a woman, Heather Heyer was killed by a speeding car. A speeding car being driven down a pedestrianised street which the Democrats had specially opened for the day.

In response to the death Democrats and their supporters demanded the incident be declared an act of terror. They went on to demand that Republican President Donald Trump condemn the; "White Terror!" 

The original "White Terror" was a policy of the leader of Nazi, Fascist Spain, Francisco Franco.

Rather than being racially motivated this White Terror policy was used to torture and kill Franco's political opponents. It's name was intended as a riposte to the; "Red Terror" carried out by Communist forces.

The White Terror was perpetrated by Franco's shock troops, The Fuerzas Regulares Indígenas/Indigenous Regular Forces. Sometimes known simply as; "Regulares."

The Regulares were commanded by General Mohamed Meziane. A black Moroccan Muslim.

On August 17th 2017 (17/8/17), days after the events in Charlottesville, there was an Islamist terror attack in Las Ramblas. In the Spanish Catalan city of Barcelona.

Amongst fans of the Spanish Civil War Las Ramblas is famous for its role in the November 1936 funeral of Buenaventura Durruti. Essentially the founder of the Anti-Fascist Action (AntiFa) movement.

Not that any of the US Democrat thugs currently appropriating the AntiFa name seem to have ever heard of Buenaventura Durruti. 

Franco's Spain was part of the Axis of Powers including the Italy of Benito Mussolini and the Germany of Adolf Hitler.

It was the Nazi German airforce which was key in securing Franco's victory in the Spanish Civil War. Including the infamous April 1937 bombing of the Basque city of Guernica.

While General Meziane was conducting the White Terror on Franco's behalf Hitler and Mussolini were forming an alliance with Amin al-Husseini. The Muslim Mufti of what was then British Mandated Palestine.

Hitler and Mussolini supported al-Husseini in launching the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt in Palestine. Unlike the Spanish Civil War which took place at the same time al-Hussenini's Arab Revolt failed. Forcing him to flee first to Jordan and then to Iraq.

In 1941 al-Husseini travelled to Mussolini's Italy. From there he worked closely with Hitler's Germany to draw up the Declaration of German-Arab Cooperation. The saw the Axis Powers agree to work with al-Husseini to remove the existence of "Jewish elements" from Palestine.

The cooperation between Mufti al-Husseini and Hitler remains a deeply incendiary issue within the current Israel/Palestine conflict.

Zionist Jews like to claim that Mufti al-Husseini was one of the main architects of the Nazi Holocaust, the murder of 11 million people. As evidence they cite testimony given by senior Nazis, such as Dieter Wislicney, at the Nuremberg Military Tribunals.

To counter this Palestinians and their supporters try to claim that Hitler was in fact a Zionist. Citing as evidence the 1933 Transfer or Haavara Agreement between Nazi Germany and the Zionist Federation of Germany. This allowed some German Jews to travel to Palestine.

The Haavara Agreement is particularly popular with former UK, London Mayor Ken Livingstone. He normally brings it up just before an election. When his Labour Party are trying to mobilise their Muslim supporters to vote.

I can't help but note that the Christchurch shootings occurred as Israel was bombing Gaza. In response to two long range missiles being fired on Tel Aviv. Apparently without the knowledge nor consent of any of the recognised militant groups in Gaza.

Mufti al-Husseini was far from the only Muslim leader to ally themselves with Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers. Led by Sefqet Verlaci a group of Albanian Muslims formed the National Front (Balli Kombetar) to rule on behalf of the Axis Powers.

The area the Axis powers gave Balli Kombetar control over contained not just modern day Albania. It was an area known as; "Greater Albania." Made up of Albania along with parts of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and even parts of Greece.

At the 2018 World Cup there was a huge controversy when several Swiss players, including Xherdan Shaqiri made an Eagle gesture in a game against Serbia. People who recognise it know this Eagle gesture is the Albanian Muslim version of a Nazi salute.

Within in the Soviet Union, and in modern Russia, the Second World War is known as; "The Great Patriotic War." In which the evil ideology of Nazism was defeated by the heroic ideology of Communism.

Due to this narrative within nations which went onto be occupied by the Soviet Union Nazism is very much seen as the noble ideology of the resistance.

In former East German cities such as Chemnitz identifying yourself as a Nazi is about the most subversive and rebellious thing it is possible to do.

In the 1980's the NATO nations led by the US found these eastern European Nazis to be extremely useful. Particularly Albania's Muslim Nazis. They shipped them off to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets alongside this fellow you may have heard of. Osama bin Laden.

In 1999 then US President Bill Clinton also found Albania's Muslim Nazis to be extremely useful. With NATO support these Albanian Muslim Nazis, under the name; "Kosovo Liberation Army" attacked Serbia, seizing its southern Kosovo Province.

Neatly distracting voters from the impeachment proceedings facing then President Clinton.

Despite former President Clinton being out of office for 18 years no-one has been prepared to right the wrong of his 1999 Kosovo War. As a result Albania's Muslim Nazis continue to try and steal more territory. Notably in Macedonia.

To say that Albanian Muslim Nazis continued attempts to encroach on Serbia and its neighbours remains a hugely inflammatory issue is a massive understatement.

I can't help but note that the attack in Christchurch began with the playing of Serbian folk songs.

The European Union's (EU) response to the Albanian Muslim Nazi threat to Macedonia is simply to absorb Macedonia into the EU. After all everyone's always happy in the EU. Membership solves every problem.

Macedonia's membership of the EU has long been blocked by existing EU member Greece.

They object to Macedonia's use of the name; "Macedonia." Which implies a territorial claim over Greece's Macedonia Province. As a result the formal name of the nation of Macedonia has long been; "The Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia."

In June 2018 the EU forced FYR Macedonia to hold a referendum on changing its name to; "The Republic of North Macedonia." In order to end the dispute with Greece, allowing Macedonia to join the EU and supposedly end the threat of Albanian Muslim Nazis.

The people of FYR Macedonia not only rejected the proposed name change but also the idea of the referendum itself.

The only people who participated were the Albanian Muslim Nazi population. Which make up about 30% of the population. A hangover from the Nazi occupation by the Balli Kombetar.

In it's wonderfully democratic style the EU declared the referendum to be massive success. With the name change being supported by 96% of Macedonians. Despite not a single Macedonian appearing to vote.

This so-called; "Western Balkans" issue was what the December 2018 EU Summit was supposed to be all about. Before Britain hijacked it due to the its Parliament's complete failure to deal with the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.

So I think I deserve a prize from the UK media.

In the space of a day and a half I've managed to take shootings at Mosques in New Zealand. And make it all about Brexit.

They must be so proud. 

At around 13:30 on 17/3/19 (UK date) I'll pick this up later.

Edited at around 16:10 on 17/3/19 (UK date) to add above & below;

Then there is Sweden. Another European nation whose alliance with Nazi Germany is often overlooked.

Between 1933 and 1939 Sweden was allied with Hitler and the Axis powers. Then in 1939 Sweden launched into the Winter War with Soviet allied Finland.

Sweden lost this war and then decided to declare itself neutral. In order to stop Soviet backed Finland pressing home its advantage. Despite this declaration of neutrality Sweden continued to lean more towards Hitler than towards Churchill.

Due to this late declaration of neutrality Sweden was never forced to into a reckoning over its Nazi ideology. In the same way that Germany and Italy were forced to do. Plus during the Cold War the NATO nations needed every ally the could get.

At the end of the Cold War Sweden's Nazis teamed up with Russian Islamists. In the Caucasus regions such as Chechnya and Ingushetia. In order to deliver the defeat to Russia they couldn't manage in the winter of 1939.

I can't help but note the main weapon used in the Christchurch shootings had the name; "Ebba Akerlund" scrawled on it. Ebba Akerlund was an 11 year old girl killed in the Islamist terror attack in Stockholm, Sweden in April 2017.

If Swedish Nazis were considering breaking of their longstanding alliance with anti-Russian Islamists they would have to view that as a threat.

Within Europe Nazism and Neo-Nazism have recently seen a significant resurgence. Events in Ukraine from 2014 onwards have given them a territorial foothold and a level of widespread legitimacy they've not enjoyed since the 1930's.

Not all people in Ukraine are Nazis. For example the embattled President Petro Poroshenko is not a Nazi. However many of the people currently in positions of power in Ukraine are most definitely Nazis.

They swear allegiance to Stepan Bandera. One of the leaders of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA). During the Second World War the Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought as part of the army of Nazi Germany. The 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS to be precise.

So many of those holding positions of power in Ukraine are not Neo-Nazis or like Nazis. They are the actual, original Nazis.

Within Ukraine these Nazis have formed an alliance with a group of ethnically Turkish Muslims. Known locally as; "Tartars." One of their most high profile joint operations was the sabotage campaign which blacked out the Crimea region of Russia over the winter of 2015.

One indicator that Ukraine is started to break free from the grips of Nazism was the arrest and deportation in February 2018 of Mikheil Saakashvilli. Originally President of Georgia Saakashvilli was granted Ukrainian citizenship in 2015. By those who swear allegiance to Stepan Bandera.

As Georgia's President Saakashvilli is probably most famous for Georgia's remarkably ill-advised declaration of war against Russia during the 2008 Summer Olympics. It is perhaps appropriate then that his arrest and deportation from Ukraine came during the 2018 Winter Olympics.

I can't help but note the main weapon used in the Christchurch shootings had messages in the Georgian alphabet scrawled upon it.

I also can't help but note that weapon also had the name; "Alexandre Bissonnette" scrawled upon it. In January 2017 Alexandre Bissonnette carried out a gun attack at a Mosque in Quebec City, Canada. Killing six.

It's often said that Canada is to America as New Zealand is to Australia. Bascially the same, only calmer and more polite.

Canada has a very large ethnically Ukrainian population. Something that those who swear allegiance to Bandera have been able to exploit in their alliance with Muslim Tartars.

In late 2016 World renowned thief Bill Browder wanted Canada to impose sanctions on Russia. Under the guise of the Magnitsky Amendment. However the Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion was hesitant to do so.

So Browder simply told Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that if he didn't comply Browder would bring down his government. By funding the ethnically Ukrainian population to vote against him.

Prime Minister Trudeau promptly complied. Dion was fired, replaced by Browder's choice Chrystia Freeland and the sanctions were imposed on Russia.

This all happened days before Alexandre Bissonnette's attack on a Quebec City Mosque.

Where others look at the Quebec City shooting or the Christchurch shooting and see a tragedy leaders like Prime Minister Trudeau become positively erect with excitement.

They see an opportunity to nurture their own cult of personality. Proving how caring and tolerant they are.
So Prime Minister Trudeau is likely to look at Bissonnette's name on that rifle and see a double bonus. An opportunity to reinforce Canada's support Ukrainian alliance between Nazis and Islamists.

In order to distract from the SNC-Lavlin scandal. Which looks set to bring down Prime Minister Trudeau and much of his government.

As for the rifle itself it is an Armalite Rifle model 15 (AR-15). A well known codename for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF/QSD). Particularly their International Brigade.

This was the same weapon used in the February 2018 Parkland shooting. That being the Parkland district of Florida, US. Not the Parkland district of Christchurch, New Zealand.

This particular AR-15 had been modified by its manufacturer. So the pistol grip was linked to the stock by a thin strip of plastic.

This is enough to say that it does not have a pistol grip. Something which prevents it being classed as an "Assault Weapon" under the terms of former US President Clinton's 1994 Assault Weapon ban.

Following the February 2018 Parkland shooting some people marched under the Islamist banner; "March For Our Lives." Demanding all AR-15's be banned and the immediate reinstatement of the 1994 Assault Weapons ban.

Or at least that's what they'd been told they were marching for.

To see a modern example of a Nazi/Islamist alliance you need to look no further than the current Turkish regime.

Turkey's President/Prime Minister/Emperor Recep Tayyip Erdogan is leader of the Islamist Justice & Development Party (AKP). If you doubt Erdogan's Islamist credentials he will remind you that in 1999 he served 4 months of a 10 month prison sentence because of them.

Erdogan's AKP are kept in power by a coalition with the openly fascist National Movement Party (MHP). It is the MHP's paramilitary wing the Grey Wolves who currently occupy the Garvaghy Road and Afrin Canton areas of Syria. Under the guise of the United Turkmen Army (UTA).

Sometimes trying to pass themselves off as the "Syrian National Army" the UTA really want to see the AR-15's banned.

17:30 on 17/3/19 (UK date).

Edited again at around 19:15 on 18/3/19 (UK date) to add;

The Mosque attacked by Alexandre Bissonnette was in Quebec City. This is obviously in Quebec Province, the French speaking part of Canada.

Like New Zealand and Australia Canada is part of the UK Commonwealth Realm. Meaning the Head of State in all of the nations is British Queen Elizabeth II. However the French speaking areas of Canada are much closer culturally to France than Britain.

French President Emmanual Macron is very much in the Progressive Democrat mould. Alongside New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.

Like Prime Minister Trudeau President Macron is in deep trouble at home. Through the Yellow Vest protests.

In his election campaign President Macron entirely falsely claimed that Russia had hacked his campaign emails. President Macron is now equally falsely blaming Russia and far-right, Neo-Nazis for being behind the Yellow Vest protests against him.

So like Prime Minister Trudeau you would think that President Macron would look at Alexandre Bissonnette's name on that rifle and see a double gift.

An opportunity to cultivate his cult of personality as a caring and tolerant leader. While smearing a distracting from his opponents and critics.

Today (18/3/19) there has been another terrorist shooting. This time in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands. The Dutch city of The Hague is home of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Three people were killed and five wounded when a gunman opened fire on a tram/trolley bus.

The arrested suspect is a 37 year old Turkish man. The attack comes on Canakkale Day. A hugely significant day for Turkish nationalists, particularly Neo-Ottomans.

Canakkale Day marks the Ottoman Empire's victory in what is often referred to as the; "Gallipoli Campaign." This First World War battle is probably the most significant battle ever fought by the militaries of Australia and New Zealand.

Although the Ottoman Empire triumphed in the Canakkale/Gallipoli campaign a young officer, Mustfa Kamal Ataturk, realised that they would lose the war. So he drew up a plan for how to govern Turkey following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. As such Ataturk is widely, and rightly considered the founder of modern Turkey.

The Utrecht suspect is a Turkish Muslim. He fought against Russia in Chechnya as part of the Swedish network I mentioned above. The fact that members of this Swedish network are allowed to walk free, having not been punished poses a clear security threat to the EU. There are a lot of trained foot soliders looking for a new General.

Of the EU nations the Netherlands is probably the most opposed to the alliance between Nazis and ethnically Turkish Muslims in Ukraine.

For example conducting the investigation into the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 the Netherlands refused to blame it on Russia. For the simple reason that isn't any evidence of Russia being responsible. Despite the propaganda from Progressive Democrats.

The Netherlands also tried to block an association agreement between the EU and Ukraine. By holding a referendum in which voters rejected the idea. In its wonderfully democratic way the EU then just ignored the referendum result and granted Ukraine the association agreemeent anyway.

This has led to a lot of hostility between the Netherlands and Turkey. One of Erdogan's favourite things is to blame the Netherlands for the Srebrenica massacre.

Srebrenica is the one genocide where the international community has not sought the death penalty for the perperators. Erdogan will no doubt claim this is a part of an anti-Muslim conspiracy if the death penalty is sought for captured ISIL members.

Personally I think it's appalling that the only genocide where the death penalty has not been sought is the one where the victims have been Muslim. It something I look forward correcting in response to ISIL's genocide against Muslims.

19:50 on 18/3/19 (UK date).

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