Tuesday 12 March 2019

Geoffrey Cox's Latest Legal Advice.

Yes. That's right.

British Parliamentarians are still singularly failing to cope with the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.

The agreement that was reached between the EU and Britain all the way back on November 25th 2018 (25/11/18);


Last night (11/3/19) British Prime Minister Theresa May jetted off for last minute talks with the EU. Ahead of yet another Parliamentary vote today (12/3/19) on the Withdrawal Agreement.

The result of these last minute talks is that the UK Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has been forced to publish fresh legal advice on the Withdrawal Agreement.

This is really all the result of Hard Brexiteers reason for blocking the Withdrawal Agreement at the previous vote.

Many Hard Brexiteers have had this, erm, belief that the UK, as a single nation, will be able to bully the EU, as 27 nations, into submission.

As the deadline for Brexit looms the EU will be intimidated into making massive concessions to Britain at the last minute.

That last minute has now been and gone. The EU did not cave and make concessions to Britain.

Instead it is the British Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has been forced to cave. Returning to Parliament to inform them that the initial legal advice he gave regarding the Withdrawal Agreement was false.

In fact the Withdrawal Agreement does contain legally binding guarantees. Both in Paragraph 5 (p.5) of the Preamble of the Withdrawal Agreement and in Article 1(4) of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.

It goes on to lay out a dispute resolution mechanism. Laid out under Title Three of Part Six of the Withdrawal Agreement.

This dispute resolution mechanism is heavily weighted in the UK's favour. The UK gets a minimum of two seats on the five seat arbitration panel. While each EU nation only has a 0.07 chance of gaining a seat on the arbitration panel.

So what we've actually seen overnight in British politics is a crushing defeat for the Hard Brexiteers.

Their initial reason for opposing the Withdrawal Agreement has been exposed as false. The strategy they deployed in opposing the Withdrawal Agreement has been exposed as a failure.

Unfortunately the British Parliament continues to be dominated by self-serving egomaniacs. Such as the Conservative MP Dominic Raab.

Dominic Raab is advising Hard Brexiteers to continue opposing the Withdrawal Agreement. Solely in the hope that another defeat for Prime Minister May will allow him to overthrow her and become Prime Minister himself.

Meanwhile if you've been following the Boeing 737 Max story. As per the Syria Conference you would know there's actually some interesting things going on in UK/EU relations today.

It's just that none of it has got anything whatsoever to do with the mindless honking currently going on in Parliament.

Which TV channels are still trying to present to us as if it were news.

17:25 on 12/3/19 (UK date).

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