Monday 29 July 2013

Operation Misery: Month 5, Week 4, Day 1.

Right let's try this again.

On Sunday (28/7/13) Rihanna performed the final concert of the European leg of her Diamonds World Tour in Helsinki, Finland.  Provided no new dates are added the tour will resume in Macau, China on September 13th (13/9/13). Before that though there is a six week tour break in which Rihanna is more or less free to make up her own schedule.

The original plan was that Rihanna and her core tour party would spend this time holidaying on a yacht on the French Rivera. Obviously during that time she would be joined by friends and family and before the European leg of the tour began there was a lot of speculation that Rihanna would be joined by Chris Brown. There were even rumours that they would be getting married. The choice of location was meant to make the French - who are the key players in the Mali operation - feel they were being given special access to observe Rihanna during this period. In reality though it would be the UK who be granted the main access to the behind the scenes goings on through Cara Delivinge who was expected to join Rihanna for the duration of the holiday. The UK would then use this information to put pressure on Australia ahead of their general election and Rihanna's series of concerts there and in neighbouring New Zealand in September/October. For example Rihanna will be travelling into Australia from the Philippines mimicking the well established route of boat people immigrants who are a major issue within Australian politics. The problem is though that since this plan was drawn up several important things have changed.

The first of these is that the plan for the European leg of the tour simply didn't happen. The original idea was that the disruption caused by the North American leg of the tour would leave everybody in Europe so frustrated at Rihanna they would attempt to lash out against her in revenge. In order to do this they would have to rely on detailed information about her personality and routines. They would have to obtain this information from the UK putting the UK in a strong and central role within the European Union (EU). As things turned out though very few people had any desire to lash out at Rihanna so there was no great conversation between the UK and the EU, Rihanna didn't run into any problems or border crossings/customs posts and by all accounts Rihanna's core tour party irritated and annoyed the other guests at hotels they were staying in rather than it being the other way around. Of course the Americans did try and put a few things on to get the political aspect moving but these were small, simple and failed to gain any real traction. For example Rihanna's trip to Turkey which should have been all about Islamic attitudes to forced marriage, honour killing and Rihanna's claimed role in the 'Arab Spring' was totally drowned out by the Gezi Park/Taksim Square protests. At a festival in Denmark Rihanna appeared on stage wearing something resembling traditional male Arab dress in an effort to promote discussion about the Danish youth's attitudes towards Islam with particular reference to Islamic modesty standards - the wearing of the veil has always been a big issue in norther European nations. In Poland Rihanna tried to spend the day at a public beach and was mobbed by fans in order to promote discussion about former Soviet states near worship of western icons such as the EU. On stage in Norway Rihanna wore an outfit emblazoned with the word "Pussy." This was supposed to be interpreted as Rihanna insulting either me or Chris Brown for not attempting to join her during her tour. I can't speak for Chris Brown but I remain more than happy to get involved. The problem is that Rihanna doesn't seem to want be involved which is a pity.

The second major change was that the governing Australian Labor Party dropped Julia Gillard as their leader. Gillard is/was deeply unpopular amongst average Australian voters meaning that the Labor Party headed by her was facing certain defeat at the upcoming election. The Australian opposition Conservative Party is much more in favour of close ties with the UK with whom it shares a Monarch. Therefore the Conservatives desire to rely on information from the UK in order to harass Rihanna during her visit would be a good way for the UK to test out the Conservative Party and any potential coalition partners committement to remaining part of the UK Commonwealth. With a Labor Party under the leadership of Kevin Rudd the Australian election now seems like being a much closer affair. With the Labor Party unlikely to have any desire to rely on UK information a rabid desire by the Conservatives to lash out at Rihanna could well become a turn off amongst voters and potential coalition partners meaning the Labour Party rather than the Conservative Party end up heading Australia's next government.

The third major change is that Rihanna's tour has not been going well. Although no-one at a governmental level has been making life difficult for her the European leg of the tour has been marked by late appearances and somewhat weak performances which have left fans frustrated. The majority of this frustration has been vented only on the Internet however there were plans for Rihanna fans to sarcastically throw fake USD bills at her during her concerts and at a concert in Manchester, UK on July 16th (16/7/13) Rihanna had crisps and other food stuffs thrown at her by fans frustrated at her late arrival. On July 24th (24/7/13) Rihanna burst into tears on stage during her concert in Lille, France. For discretion's sake I didn't comment on this at the time but seems to be a sign of emotional exhaustion that will be solved by simply allowing Rihanna to de-stress. However this sort of thing is one of the warning signs of impending serious psychological problems such as a nervous breakdown. As such the incident caused major ripples amongst the international diplomatic community which were mainly played out through a series of faults with Boeing's 787 Dreamliner aircraft. Even Qatar who are not famed for respecting human rights and are supposedly having all this violence against Rihanna carried out in their name grounded a 787 for a week to carry out an investigation. However they did conclude that it was only a small, temporary problem and gave permission for the plane to fly again. With there being a general consensus that Rihanna played no role in the 'Arab Spring' and Egypt getting rid of Mohamed Morsi it is now widely viewed that continuing with the campaign against Rihanna would be a public relations disaster for any nation involved.

So as a result the US cancelled Rihanna's yachting holiday by getting the Judge in her case against Berdon LLP to fine her around USD50,000 and ordering her to attend a deposition hearing in the US in mid-August under threat of the case being dismissed entirely putting Rihanna at risk of criminal prosecution for tax evasion. While I've yet to have it confirmed I understand that Rihanna is either currently on route to or has already arrived at her home in Los Angeles, US. With Chris Brown still not having been served with a restraining order preventing him from contacting Rihanna I think the US' intention is to use the speculation about whether the two will meet up to concentrate on putting pressure on the African nations involved in the Mali operation with South Africa being a particular target. What I find amusing is that the US has been trying to convince the UK that it's cancelled Rihanna's holiday as punishment for the UK not doing enough to harass me through this criminal damage case. Sunday's jewellery theft on the French Rivera is obviously a reference to the change of plans. However looking at it closely it seems to be an Israeli millionaire acting privately to bonk the French on the nose for being so greedy.

Personally I just hope that over the coming six weeks Rihanna and her core tour party get plenty of time to rest and relax in LA. I believe Chris Brown is still in Switzerland and I hope he stays there because I for one feel much happier when there is at least an ocean between the two.

17:15 on 29/7/13.

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