Wednesday 3 July 2013

Egypt's Continuing Revolution: It's Official.

General al-Sisi the head of the Egyptian military has just finished addressing the nation to announce that Mohamed Morsi is no longer running the country. He went on to lay out a roadmap of how Egypt will be returned to civilian, democratic rule. Obviously that roadmap needs to be published so everybody can read and study it in detail. However the main points seem to be;

  • The constitution has been suspended and the military will run Egypt under martial law for as short as time as possible.
  • At the earliest opportunity the military will hand control of the nation over to an unelected government of national unity made up of technocrats who represent a cross section of all of Egypt society.
  • The government of national unity will prepare the way for new elections for both houses of Parliament and the Presidency.
What we are all waiting for now is to see how the Muslim Brotherhood will react to this announcement. I know they're unlikely to listen to me at this point but I genuinely think it would be better for them to peacefully return to their homes and prepare to contest the new elections rather than fighting in the streets.

19:20 on 3/7/13.

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