Tuesday 3 January 2012

Better Late The Never I Suppose.

Although most people in Britain went back to work today (3/1/12) I'm still being very lazy. So lazy in fact that both my cellphone and iPod ran out of battery power a couple of days ago and I've still not got around to plugging them in to re-charge.

Anyway it was around this point last week that all the news channels were running their reviews of the year trying to pick their moment of 2011. In a year that saw the Tunisian revolution, the Egyptian revolution, the Libyan war, the continuing turmoil in Syria, Britain's Royal Wedding, the killing of Osama bin Laden, Britain's August riots and the crisis in the Eurozone there were certainly plenty to choose from. My moment though was the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster because in those 15 short minutes nature showed us just how irrelevant all those other things can be.

Oh and Gary Dobson and David Norris are set to be sentenced tomorrow (4/1/12) at around 11:30. Considering that they've already wrongly walked free for 18 years they're going to have to serve at least that long before they can even be considered to begin to be punished for the crime.

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