Thursday 15 September 2011

Ok I've Moved.

Negotiations about my grandmother's care have ground to a halt. So today (15/9/11) I submitted a formal request for a psychiatric assessment under Section 4 of the Mental Health 1983 to her consultant. This should force him to pass the case over to the social services and mental health departments. In the event that this doesn't happen I've also forwarded a copy to the mental health department at the Royal Bethlem Hospital.

As the provider of mental health services in their borough and home to the national specialist centre for eating disorders the Royal Bethlem oversaw my sister's care for the best part of a decade. So although the had very little success in her case they should be well aware of the specific issues with the family unit.

I accept that coming so close to the UN General Assembly this is probably not the best time to do this but unfortunately due to time pressures it is something that needs to be done now. I should also point out that a Section 4 assessment is the same as a Section 2 assessment which is the same as a Section 3 assessment. These must be carried out by two doctors so if people were interested in getting first hand knowledge of my grandmother's condition and case history now would be a perfect time to insist that one of those doctors is one of their people.

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