Monday 4 August 2008

Just a quick follow on from yesterday

because all this talk of the old house has got me all reminiscent. Now I'm aware that the South African element have operating under the impression that they somehow "stole" that house from me.

That doesn't sit well with my recollection of events because I decided to leave after it became clear that I could not continue with my life in that environment. That decision created a vacum, a vacum that could either have been filled by the South African element or by the basement element that had been causing me no end of grief over the previous nine months so all in all it turned out to be quite an effective exit strategy.

In my little part of the world there not been much going on expect the usual spiel from the media, apparently I'm dead - always nice to be kept informed also the government is keen for us all to spend more time playing outside. Something I'll be happy to do just as soon as they provide an concept of outside.

Much of the talk today has been about the emergence of a two tier system. I'm taking that as good news because it seems to be the first step of the government admitting there are two streams at work in this country; The fast track for clever people and the slow track for government people. Now if we can just get them to allow a certain young lady to move back into the correct stream and pay compensation for her wasted years they might be once again allowed to feast on the scraps of the top table.

Oh and some hippies have been having a picnic in Kent.