Thursday 28 August 2008

Bring on the Blame Game.

The main story in the UK at the moment is the apparent arson attack at a mansion house in Shropshire.

At the moment the police have been unable to enter the badly damaged to property to establish the cause of the fire of if the house's occupants a father, mother and teenage daughter have been killed in the blaze.

The story is turning into quite a torrid one with lots of stories about the authorities being prevented access to the site, dead horses, blood and spent shotgun shells strewn across the mansions court yard. It is also beginning to emerge that the millionaire owner of the property Christopher Foster has been facing financial difficulty, was involved in a recent blackmail case and held a secret address nearby.

From my perspective I can't fail but to see the comparisons between this story and the story of Madrid's father who built up a successful business in the late 1980's only to lose a large part of it in the recession of the early 1990's before recovering to move his family to a large but hardly Manson like home near Gerrads Cross. The last time I spoke to him he was actually involved in buying and selling holiday homes on the Spanish islands for his sins.

Being overwhelmed by my own vanity I think the only reason that this story is being given such prominence is because the state are trying to shift the blame for the disaster of the Bristol abuse case away from themselves and on to Madrid's father. You see he is such a powerful and influential man he was able to get the full apparatus of the state to construct the current situation and it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that a group of emotionally insecure civil service lesbians looked at the situation and saw an opportunity to try and convince a public that they have no doubts whatsoever about their feelings towards men.

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