Wednesday 27 February 2008

Well They Say A Week’s a Long Time in Politics.

And in the four days since I last posted I’ve certainly felt the earth spinning on its axis. There was rather a good reason for my silence and I’ll explain why later but first I should apologise.

In my last post or more specifically in the email I sent before I suggested that the British Establishment had undermined the security of the nation by pouring a large sum of taxpayers money into a cancer research project without ensuring that the researchers involved would not be in the future be able to use the research against Britain. It turns out that this is incorrect because since my last post the British Establishment has been running around assuring people that one researcher especially will only be working for Britain regardless what happens to her. I believe the technical term is that she has been owned.

Of course this isn’t news because this securing of the asset occurred in November last year. Now I don’t exactly know how this happened but I do hope to have the chance to have dinner with one of the people involved later in the week. What I do know however that is in carrying out this action the British Establishment totally and utterly blew this asset's cover by confirming to all other nations that she was an asset and in doing so severely restricting the scope of work she could carry out for the country in the future.

The second mistake the Establishment made was to assure everybody that the young lady would only ever be working for Britain because that meant that they were no longer able to argue that this woman needs to be kept on side to prevent her from not working for Britain.

Obviously the British Establishment being so self important they were never going to simply accept that they’d made a big mistake and their lie I wasn’t skilful enough had been torn down so they simply moved onto yet another lie which was they couldn't possibly co-operate with me because I can’t keep secrets under pressure (odd not least because I didn’t let slip what had happened at the time when the level of pressure was much greater) so aside from dropping a clue that I knew what had happened, because I was far too subtle last time round, and a few words to reassure people who had no reason to be feeling the stress of the situation. I had to keep my mouth shut no matter how much pressure was brought down on me and there has been a fair bit what with the police encampment outside my house on Monday and I certainly more then achieved this I even managed to spend all day yesterday in the company of someone who is traditionally as bad at keeping secrets as he as good at playing mind games. As I was feeling charitable I even let him get me very drunk while he stayed sober because apparently alcohol can loosen people’s tongues. Needless to say he got nothing but I clearly have to apologise to pretty much anyone I met yesterday. Sorry.

The Establishment then moved onto the lie that they can’t co-operate with me is because I do not have the best interests of the country at heart which is of course rubbish because if you’re about to see your worst enemy blindly stumble off the edge of a cliff you don’t lift a finger to try and stop them plunging into the abyss.

The lie the establishment are currently hiding behind is that in fact that I am actually quite skilled and that I could have some use to the nation but they couldn’t possibly make any concessions to me because that would blow my cover which is nonsense because I think most watchers will agree that the Establishment has little choice other then to make those concessions.

So there we have it. All a little naughty I’ll agree but in my defence I would say that the young lady in question hardly decided to cross my path with the noblest of intentions and as they say there’s little room for a pacifist in a gun fight. Besides for a woman who claimed to be winning my confidence in order to steal my secrets she seemed far more concerned with making sure that I never in any way came into contact with her and interrupt her fantasy existence. Also it would be deeply immoral for me to allow my friends to put their lives in the hands of people who are this bad at the game.

I would hate for this little gloating sessions to give anyone the impression that they can take on the British Establishment single handed because I am very well armed for the battle with a lot of talented support and they still manage to keep me on my toes. Now I’m off because if I carrying on telling everybody how my tricks are done I’m going to quite quickly get thrown out of the magic circle.

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