Thursday 21 February 2008

And just as things were starting to get interesting

The head of the security and intelligence committee has called for the Diana Inquest to be ended as it is turning in to a very expensive circus.

Obviously this call has nothing to do with the fact that next week the inquest will force 10 members of MI6 to appear in court and give the coroner a full account of their actions. Instead the call is being made because apparently the British Establishment had no idea whatsoever when they started the inquest how much putting aside a court, a coroner, a jury and legal teams for this length of time would cost. Now being faced with the utterlly unpredictable cost they have decided that it wasn't worth doing in the first place. If only they had someone to tell them that at the start.

Another member of the security and intelligence committee, Dari Taylor, put it best when he said "The security services are severly overworked. We understand Mr Fayed's grief . But he has to accept at some stage that there was nobody involved in his son's or princess Diana's death. It was an accident there is no evidence that suggests anything other then that."

Ignoring the fact that the sentence makes no sense because there was clearly at least one car driver involved in the deaths I can see his point because the security services are very busy because 7 years into the great war on terror they still haven't managed to get to grips with Britans terror threat. On top of that you've got left wing plots, right wing plots, dissident IRA plots, organised crime, drug smuggling and people trafficing not to mention the fact that every other security services in the world seems to be using our once septred isle as something of a free fire zone.

Also it's clear that nobody involved in the Diana crash was connected to the security services. I mean it's not as if people were recieving significant finacial awards from the British Government or magically finding themselves in jobs above their paygrade at the time the events took place.

It does seem good news that this great waste of money is fianlly being brought to a close but I have to admit I slightly disappointed because I was just starting to get into it and now with a comfy chair pulled up and popcorn poured I'll have to look for something else to watch.

Currently in the lead on this front is a show called The Unit. This is about a group of American special forces who disguise themselves as simple office workers before going off and doing great missions of daring do. While it's no Ultimate Force it does feature men being heroic and women being partially clothed so all in all not too bad. The last episode I watched was all about new members being selected for the team and the key line of dialogue was;

"Now why would I put my life in the hands on someone I can run rings round?"

I don't know much what happended after that because my digital recivever had a bit of a fit and decided it would much rather me a peice of modern art dedicated to the success of electronics rather then doing the job it was designed to do.

Today I've been shopping which I have to admit wasn't actually to much of a chore today. When I got back I got a letter from my employer regarding my my griviance.

It turns out that all the work that they gone through over the last two months has served no purpose other then to waste their time, waste their money and seriously use up any good will I had left because apparently they'd been using the wrong procedure. They also sent me a copy of the procedure which they would now like to use which contains a section entitled "Procedure for handling complaints which may have serious finacial or legal consequences for the organisation"

I have to say it's a shame we've all been forced to go for this terrible and damaging charade because it would just be so much easier if someone took the employee in question to one side and made it quite clear to them that the will be leaving their current employment, the only choice they have is whether they leave with a good reference or a poor reference.

Today I've decided that I will ask a simple question and that is simply;
"If our dear Sadie is not in any way connected to another organisation how on earth did she walk into the shop that fateful day with prior knowledge of a text message I had sent earlier in the day?"

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