Sunday 2 March 2008

Got to learn to love the sleep deprevation.

Because last night was a riot.

Firstly the moment I turned off my light to go to sleep my next door neighbour (young, black, female, in council accomodation and some would say possibly on a "promise") decided that they really, really needed to be playing loud, thumping basslines all through my wall which for a moment made me want to declare war and renew trident but that would only bring us closer to the point where we all fall down. Then we had pretty much every car alarm in the street deciding to go off. Obviously this brought on the police sirens. Finally there was my watch alarm that kept sounding out the hour every fifteen minutes in my room even after I took it down stairs.

Tommorrow should be fun because we got a plumber coming but anyway focus because since Prince Harry has apparently been fighting in Afghanistan since December which takes me back because around that time I sent a rather strongly worded missive, the main thrust of which was "Stop using your initative because you're really bad at it"

Anyway drunken, shouty, sleepy ramble brings me on to the simple question;
"All these weapons and you still can't find the enemy?"

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