Monday 17 December 2007

Watch out thieving Linda's about

And this time she's got a police escort.

I should explain thieving Linda is one of Thornton Heaths most infamous resisdents. She lives in a very nice council house and makes her money signing on the social. Problem is this money ain't good enough for Linda so every so often she goes round and robs me gran. Obviously we've reported to the police time and time again but the police being thick can't do anything about it and can only send a CSO round to say sorry for your loss. Obviously I walk past Linda's front door one day and suddenly it's two coppers guarding the door and a police helicopter up in the sky.

Today of all days she's been sniffing around again and a 10pm she brings two coppers in a van to ask permission to nip over my fence leaving me to get the stench of pig shit out of the carpets.

Now obviously I'm not saying anything but if you do happen to see Linda knocking around watch your wallet and watch your mouth especially what with Christmas coming up.

So we have todays question;

"Can the police actually do their job or are they just here to protect the state?"

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