Monday 10 December 2007

Do you ever get the feeling you're slightly out of the loop

Busy, busy day mainly becuase I've been to work. At work I learnt two things. Firstly I learnt the shit is still on the floor but trying to walk in my footprints while stealing my coffee, forcing me to drink some Nestle shite. (Note this does not demonstrate a high degree of workmanship.)

Secondly I learnt that there had been a stabbing on my road on saturday night meaning that for most of saturday and sunday my road was taped off with police and scene of crime officers crawling about.

I'm not sure whether I'm more worried that there was a stabbing so close to home or the fact that I needed to travel three miles to hear about it. It's not even that longer road.

So a question:

Who on earth signed my mobile phone up to the "redhot sex service" because the bombarding with unwanted texts is proving very annoying not elast because my phone doesn't do pictures.

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