Friday 21 December 2007

Today has been exercise day

Obviously exercise hasn't taken up the whole day but seeing as I'm not allowed to do anything else productive it's the only thing I can think of mention. I spend 40 minutes doing free weights and 30 minutes of cardio. It's ironic really that at the time of my life that I am at my fittest I'm also at my fattest but hey that's SSRI's for you, weight gain and a compromised immune system.

I have however figured out what the problem with my suspension from the shop was. If I'm to ever escape from the great, flabby monster of mediocrity that is the British State I am going to have to learn to work through this January and every other January but hey the British State has already seized control of every other aspect of my life so I may as well just sit back and accept my fate.

Ironically Depression has been the flavour of the news today because while the British Government failed to prevent the summer floods or indeed repair the damage that those floods did they have been able to send in a team of psychologists to work out why the people who lost their homes are depressed.

This brings me on to today's question;

"Sorry so you were expecting me to do you a favour while you ruin my life because?"

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