Friday 7 March 2014

Ukraine, Sniping.

Today the eleventh Winter Para-Olympic games opened in Sochi, Russia. As with the 2014 Winter Olympic games themselves this event looks like it is going to be dominated by events in near-by Ukraine. As such I think it is only fitting that I give you a quick update on recent events.

At around 20:00 on 7/3/14 (UK date) that update will follow shortly.

Edited it around 20:20 on 7/3/14 (UK date) to add;

On December 17th 2010 (17/12/10) Mohamed Bouazizi set fire to himself in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. He only burned for a few minutes but sadly he burned brightly enough to wake the Saudi Monarchs from their slumber. The Saudis, obviously, took this as a sign that they should rule over the entire Middle-East, North-Africa (MENA) region so set about lighting fires from Libya to Syria.

Unfortunately in 2008 Hollywood decided to elect Barack Obama as US President. At the time many Republicans described him as; "An Empty Suit." I am now thinking that this was an insult to the suit. My estimations of Obama dropped dramatically when he decided to appoint Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Obviously Saudi Arabia controls most of the US' oil supply and as a result owns a significant amount of US national debt. Therefore - fearing another oil crisis and its impacts on their re-election chances in 2010, 2012 and now 2014 and 2016 - Obama and Clinton just waved through whatever the Saudis demanded. At last count 1.2 million people have been killed in Syria alone.

Irritating the House of Saud significantly both Russia and China stood up at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to say that the killing must stop. Obviously saying; "No" to a Saudi Monarch is simply 'unacceptable' so Saudi Arabia decided to mount mass casualty terrorist attacks against the Sochi, Olympics. Realising that this would be a PR disaster for the Saudis whilst still worrying about that oil supply the US 'bravely' decided to share information about the Saudi backed terrorists who were planning to attack Sochi. This allowed the Russian authorities to - erm - introduce said terrorists to the notion of "lead poisoning." However fearing a backlash from the Saudis the US knew that they had to do something to embarrass Russia during the Olympics.

Without even mentioning the phrase; "Gay-rights" once at 20:40 on 7/3/14 (UK date) I will be back shortly.

Edited at around 20:50 on 7/3/14 (UK date) to add;

With the CIA having been building relationships with extreme nationalist/neo-Nazi groups in the old eastern-bloc since before the end of the Cold War Ukraine - on Russia's border - became the obvious place for the US to exert pressure on behalf of the Saudis. Initially the US didn't care who won because sometimes chaos is its own reward. Unfortunately during the Geneva II talks on Syria the Russians managed to turn the situation in Ukraine into a perfect metaphor for the Syria situation despite the Yanukovych problem. Obviously this sent the US mental with rage so they they ordered the 'Ukrainain' opposition to overthrow the Yanukovych government at all costs.

In undertaking this full blown assault on Ukraine I think the US honestly thought that as soon as the government was overthrown Yulia Tymenshenko would appoint herself President and the European Union (EU) would welcome Ukraine as a full member. Sadly it appears that the US got this horribly wrong so following Queen Yuli's jailbreak the US has been forced to call all hands on deck in an effort to bully the EU into providing financial support to Ukraine. For their part the US is debating underwriting just USD1billion (1/6th of a Tymoshenko) of these EU loans to Ukraine.

A significant part of the US' efforts to exert pressure on the EU has been the decision to 'leak' a telephone call between the Moldovan Foreign Minister and the EU's Foreign Minister - UK Baroness Ashton - in which Moldovan hints that the snipers in Independence Square were in fact in the pay of Yulia Tymoshenko's "Fatherland" party.

Honestly I'm confused what the problem is. After all I'm sure western TV viewers are already more then familiar with images such as these;

="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Maidan4_zpsf574daad.jpg"/>
="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Maidan5_zps4a93a3bf.jpg"/>
="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Maidan2_zps88450c20.jpg"/>
="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Maidan3_zps0f08cb3b.jpg"/>

21:30 on 7/3/14 (UK date).

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