Tuesday 20 August 2013

I'm Back From the Pub. So it Must be a Tuesday.

I've yet to fully check all my hard-disks but everything appears to be OK. This is good news because having been working on my briefing for the next leg of Rihanna's Diamonds World Tour my house has been at particular risk of unlawful search and seizure this evening. Even though I've only got as far as Israel this great effort means that I've now got around three hours of news to catch up on.

One event I am aware of though is the UK Home Secretary's (Interior Minister) remarks on the detention of David Miranda - the gay lover of  Guardian 'journalist' Glenn Greenwald at Heathrow airport under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Although the story touches on the concerns that strike us all when Rihanna attempts to cross international borders, the Edward Snowden saga, the recent world athletics championships in Moscow and it's effects on Russia's anti-gay propaganda legislation, the current situation in Egypt, Brazil's hosting of the 2014 football World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympic games and my very dull upcoming Court appearance this story really struck me as the UK screaming "Look At US We're Still Relevant!!!!!!" leading me to become instantly get bored of it. However I found the Home Secretary's comments highly amusing. Speaking about the independence of the police that prevents the Home Secretary directly intervening in a police investigation the Home Secretary said something along the lines of; "I'm very grateful to live in a society in which such a rule exists." Prompting the obvious response of "No Sh*t!"

Of course being the sort to scare easily the element of the Miranda stunt that relates to my upcoming Court appearance has set my father all a flutter. If I can make it work we might sit down together later to watch the DVDR of that police interview together but then I might not bother. After all I don't see Samsonite rushing to do an endorsement deal with Sarastro any time soon.

19:20 on 20/8/13.

Edited at around 22:55 on 20/8/13 to add;

This evening I have been watching the DVDR of my police interview. Annoyingly I discovered that the content is copy protected which is a shame because otherwise I would not only have uploaded it to YouTube but burned a couple of copies to leave behind the bar at the local. However with all this Greenwald nonsense going on I feel compelled to point out that I was being held and questioned under the 1984 Police And Criminal Evidence Act. Specifically the July 10th (10/7/12) update of Code C. I strongly recommend that members of the Egyptian security forces read up on this document. Off the top of my head I would say that it allows suspects to be held for up to 36 hours in a single occupancy cell (so they've got no-one to talk to). During those 36 hours they can be questioned continuously in 2 hour sessions broken up by a 15 minute break. Whilst being interviewed you cannot be forced to stand but if you need to go to the bathroom during those 2 hours you can be forced to soil yourself. During your detention you have to be offered food 4 times. However there is no obligation for you to actually be provided with that food. Thinking about it I was quite 'lucky' to only have to put up with roughly 15 hours of detention and 30 minutes of interview.

Or to put it another way; "Glenn Greenwald is such a raging homo he could easily be mistaken for Peter Mandelson."

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